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Revival Breakthrough


Classic Characteristics of Revival

“Will You not revive us again, so that Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psalm 85:6). Classic revival goes beyond what we normally consider church “renewal,” which impacts the body of Christ but stops short of transforming society. When we consistently seek God’s presence and are possessed by Him, He brings radical transformation that spills out from our lives to the world around us. The revived church, by the many or the few, is moved to engage in evangelism, teaching, and social action.

Three Initial Stages of Revival

What can we expect as revival unfolds? After spending years studying the subject of revival and going on-site to places of historic revival movements, I have found that at least three preliminary stages lead to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

1. An Intense Hunger for Change

This is when people are desperate for God and His transforming power. They recognize how things should be, but they also have a spiritual revelation and awareness of how terrible the state of things—the condition of one’s life, the condition of one’s family, city, or nation—currently is. So, we must ask ourselves, “How hungry for God and change am I?”

2. Prayers to God for Change

Merely having a desire for change is not enough. That desire must be channeled through prayer to God through intercession, which will then be moved toward the next stage of revival breakthrough. How do you usually react to adverse circumstances in your life or troubling issues in society? Do you pour out your heart to God or become angry and criticize? How might God be leading you to intercede today?

3. Networking Toward Unity

Networking to pray and work alongside others to bring revival has to be very intentional. We must understand that we cannot bring about revival breakthrough by ourselves. We need each other! The relational work of networking can result in progressive, joint actions to develop city or regional unity among believers. It takes a citywide church to win a citywide spiritual war. I encourage you to reflect on Jesus’s prayer in John 17, which reveals His mandate for unity among His disciples. How are you building bridges with other believers for genuine revival to come?

Five Characteristics of Classic, Historic Revivals

Each revival has a distinct and strong characteristic. Yet authentic revival will always include the following elements, which correspond to the traits mentioned earlier: the church being returned to its original condition as God intended, evangelism and discipleship, and believers being empowered to make positive societal changes.

1. A Passionate Denunciation of Sin

A passionate denunciation of sin is one of the characteristics of revival. Of course, an outpouring of the grace of God is also a necessary quality of authentic moves of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, people’s response to the call may be (or turn into) a mere legalistic adherence to God’s commands. But when there is a passionate pursuit of the character of God that is empowered by grace, it produces transformation. Thus, among the classic characteristics of revival, we see people deeply repenting of their sins and coming forward to receive God’s grace.

2. A Revelation of God’s Holiness

First Peter 1:16 says, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” In the 1700s, Jonathan Edwards preached under this conviction. Many other revivalists have done so, as well. Again, there could be a danger of falling into legalism if a response to the call for holiness is not grace-empowered. However, I am speaking here of a revelation of God’s holiness, not merely an understanding of the doctrine of divine holiness. A genuine revelation of God’s holiness draws us to Him, not away from Him, because His holiness is truly beautiful.

3. A Deep Awareness of the Love and Mercy of God

If we do not know and express the love of God, revival has not yet come to us. Let us keep these familiar but revolutionary words of Jesus continually alive in our hearts:

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that every­one who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another. (John 13:35)

4. A Heightened Consciousness of Eternity

In classic revival, the reality of heaven and hell is preached, appealing to the lost to come to God to be saved. Most people will not develop a deep-felt need for salvation if they don’t hear preaching or teaching about eternity. Today, we need to return to the revelation of the eternal judgment of God and the reality of heaven and hell. In revival, God calls us to face reality—eternal reality.

5. Experiential Conviction of Sin

Genuine conviction of sin is another sign of true revival. John 16:8 says, “And He [the Holy Spirit], when He comes, will convict the world regarding sin, and righteousness, and judgment.” Convicting the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment ties into people’s conscious awareness of eternity and the judgment to come. Such conviction is God’s job, and it is part of the amazing work of the Holy Spirit. He convicts or convinces human beings of their sinful condition and need for righteousness, as well as the reality that we will each stand before the judgment seat of Christ. (See, for example, 2 Corinthians 5:10.)

We need the Spirit of conviction of sin and mercy through Christ. Let us echo the prayer of Evan Roberts of the Welsh revival: “Send Your Spirit now, more powerfully, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen!”

Our Necessary Responses

How should we respond to the powerful characteristics of revival we have reviewed? I urge you to respond in the following ways:


Extreme times take extreme measures, and desperate circumstances require desperate responses. This is the hour for prayer. A great worldwide prayer movement continues to grow. May the Holy Spirit grip us until we are consumed with the zeal of the Lord, as Jesus was, for the Father’s house to become “a house of prayer for all the nations” (Mark 11:17).

Take Bold Action

We need not only prayer but also personal action and boldness. In this way, we may often be the answer to our own prayers. Jesus, our Messiah, is the Lamb of God, but He is also the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. For instance, He made bold statements that a primary sign of those who belong to Him is that they care for the needs of others in tangible ways. (See, for example, Matthew 25:31–46.)

Receive a Reality Check

We must understand that if we really put our hand to the plow of revival, we will experience persecution. All revivals in the past were criticized and attacked. No advance of the kingdom goes unchallenged. What you challenge will challenge you back. If you “target” individuals for revival, persecution will come from individuals. If you target the church for awakening, persecution will come from the church. If you target society for spiritual transformation, segments of society will target you back.

But remember, we can’t turn back from the call. We must pick up the baton of revival in our day and time. We must take up our cross and continue the journey toward unprecedented conversions, resulting in fervent congregations walking together in the love of God—impacting society and declaring and demonstrating that, indeed, Jesus Christ is Lord of all!

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Revival Breakthrough

The times of deep darkness we face on earth are a backdrop for a great saturation of God’s light and an imminent display of His glory. The next move of God in revival will produce the greatest harvest in the church’s history. By welcoming God’s presence, praying, fasting, and following the Holy Spirit’s leading, we can partner with God to bring revival breakthrough and the next Great Awakening.
