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Dare to FollowShembull

Dare to Follow


The privilege of leadership comes with a great responsibility and a great many demands. Leadership often makes you more aware of your followers than it does of your need to follow, yet leadership is only as great as the commitment of followership. This means as a leader, you have to be more committed to listening than you are to being the one listened to. When we start losing the signal of God’s voice in our lives, every leadership decision we make becomes affected, and how we lead becomes less effective.

When Elijah was out-running chariots and leading God’s people and calling down fire, everyone was amazed at his leadership. Yet in that same period, Elijah was losing his perspective. He was burned out and ended up under a tree, asking God to take his life. How can leadership be so great in one moment and then so tragic in the next? The downward spiral doesn’t happen in a moment, it happens over time. We can all get exhausted and as leaders, we are always a target for the enemy. That’s why we must remember that in our leadership, we have to always lean into the shadow of His wings. Leadership means that as we take on the burden God gives to us, He also says He will help carry us. When we act simply in our strength, we will always fail. But when we learn to lead reliant on His strength, we will always find a way to conquer.

We must not allow the energy of the ministry to replace intimacy with the Holy Spirit. When the signs and wonders are leading more than the still small voice of the Holy Spirit, we are in trouble. When Elijah wanted to quit, God sent an angel to remind him it wasn’t that he couldn’t lead, it was that he had forgotten he was not leading alone. When we feel like it’s too much, we need to get back to seeing that God is more than enough.

When God sent His angel to help Elijah lead again, He began by making him eat and rest. Sometimes in our leadership, we neglect the very basic things; we are so busy feeding others, we forget to feed ourselves. We are so busy bringing water for the thirst of those around us, we don’t realize we are also dehydrated spiritually. Today, whatever area of leadership you are in, learn to lean into the One who said in Matthew 11:28-30 that His burden is easy and His yoke is light. Learn how to work with Him—maybe you are working for God but not with God. When we lead as Christ leads us, we find a rhythm of grace for our lives today. I pray your leading would find a new place of refreshment as you follow the unforced rhythm of leading by God’s grace.

In what area of life are you a leader? In your home, your community, your church? How can you intentionally submit to the Holy Spirit’s governance and guidance in this area?


We hope you enjoyed this 5-day plan! You can read more in Charlotte Gambill and Natalie Grant's new book, Dare to Follow, available here.

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Dare to Follow

Following God isn’t just a one-time decision—it’s a daily journey! Authors Charlotte Gambill and Natalie Grant have written this 5-day devotional guide to help you turn your focus from today’s distractions and to the One who says, “Follow me.” This plan will inspire you to joyfully walk in the footsteps of Jesus, allowing Him to lead you in every area of your life.
