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Discover Your True Worth With Lindsay RobertsShembull

Discover Your True Worth With Lindsay Roberts


When Jesus cursed the fig tree and then said, “Have faith in God” (Mark 11:21–22), He was showing us the power of our words and showing us that our words can be attached to our faith. When we use our words to speak God’s Word and then attach our faith to it, the spiritual law of faith begins to work and we begin to see the amazing miracles of God. He promised, “So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11 ampc).

One of several spiritual laws in the Bible is the law of faith, and when we operate in it, using God’s words, we receive God’s response. When we are in harmony with the Word of God and the will of God, then God watches over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).

When Jesus told the disciples to have faith in God, He was teaching a divine principle, using something in the earthly world to explain something of the Spirit. When we speak something into the spirit realm, no matter what we see, what we think, what we feel, or what our opinion is, if God is in it, He says it is supposed to come to pass. We pray, we believe, and in His perfect way, God acts. That’s the spiritual law.

God expects us to honor His laws and the way He works. He speaks something into the earth, and it happens, as we read in Genesis 1. If we want God’s results, we need to do things God’s way. If we will operate as God tells us to operate and do what He tells us to do, we can put ourselves in position to see the results God promises.


Lord, I want to be in harmony with Your Word and Your will. Please help me to honor Your ways, and please help me to be obedient to You. Amen.

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Discover Your True Worth With Lindsay Roberts

This plan is for any woman who has ever feared, fallen, risked, failed, prayed, hoped, loved, lost, held on or walked away, been discouraged or felt frozen in time. It’s a message of hope for women who long to see their true worth through the eyes of their heavenly Father, so they can become all He has called them to be.
