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Witness: Be the Ripple Effect in Your Sphere of InfluenceShembull

Witness: Be the Ripple Effect in Your Sphere of Influence


Who’s Listening to You?

There are many “prisoners” around you, people who don’t know Jesus, who are listening/ watching the way you live YOUR life. If we want to be a WITNESS for Jesus, we can’t just proclaim Jesus, our lives should be an EXAMPLE of Jesus. In today’s reading, we’ll discover how to be an example in serving, suffering, loving, forgiving, and just plain living. Why? Because people are watching the way we live so we need to be like Jesus as much as we can. How?

Be an example in servanthood: Serving is the heart of Jesus and when we follow that example and start serving our friends, family, coworkers – it will build better relationships, which builds trust that allows you to share the Gospel.

Be an example in suffering: Following Jesus doesn’t mean it will be all good all the time. We will have times where we suffer; it’s just life. People are watching how you respond to suffering as a Christian -- don’t lose credibility by responding poorly.

Be an example in loving: What do we mean by “loving?” The best way to define love is by looking at the example Paul gave us in 1 Corinthians 13. These are the characteristics we will exhibit as we strive to be an example of Christ: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." (1 Corinthians 13:3-5)

Be an example in forgiving: It is impossible to be a witness to someone you can’t forgive. When we don’t forgive, we are doing the opposite of what God calls us to do. Maybe the person you are refusing to forgive is the person God wants you to witness to the most. Maybe that person would experience life change in Jesus if you would forgive them and share your testimony with them!

Be an example in living: If you don’t have a desire to know God’s word, the bible, then you will never know how to truly live in Jesus. To live as he did. When you know God’s word, it helps you: communicate, deal with enemies, develop others, encourage people, do ministry, pray and teach as Jesus did. You can’t just rely on what your Pastor teaches every week, you need to dig into God’s word yourself!

There are people -- “prisoners”-- who are listening to your life just like the prisoners were listening to Paul and Silas. Will they see a person sold out for Jesus or someone who goes to church on Sunday but Monday-Saturday is no different than the world? God has strategically placed you where you are to touch those around you with the light of the Gospel. The question is, are they influencing you or are you influencing them? Let’s be witnesses not just with the way we talk but how we live our lives.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How are you influencing those around you or how could you influence them to draw them to Christ?
  2. Are you being an example of Jesus in the way you live your life? Is there one example of that this past week you can share with someone else?
  3. Forgiveness is such an easy thing to talk about but such a difficult thing to do, especially if you’ve been deeply hurt. What if the person you refuse to forgive is the person God wants you to witness to the most? How does that comment affect you?
  4. Serving others strengthens our relationship with them. Have you ever been able to lead someone to Christ?
  5. People are “listening” to your life by watching what you do. Do any of the following thoughts resonate with you and why?
  • Do you compromise your faith at work so you can fit in?
  • Do you proclaim Jesus in one Facebook post, then talk about getting trashed in the next?
  • Do you witness for Jesus publicly but then spread hate socially?
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Witness: Be the Ripple Effect in Your Sphere of Influence

Come & See, Go & Tell has always been the Gospel message! As Christians we are all called to witness, but what exactly does that mean and how can we best represent Christ to the world around us? This 5-day reading plan is designed to give you the skills to live out the Great Commission in your everyday life; to equip you to have a different, deeper walk with God.
