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Getting Ready-21 Days of PrayerShembull

Getting Ready-21 Days of Prayer

DITA 19 NGA 21

How many of you have ever felt unnoticed? Unfortunately, this is part of the human condition. Even though the God of the universe has uniquely created us on purpose for a purpose, and loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son to be brutally beaten, mocked, and put to death on a cross for OUR sins; we still get caught up in Satan’s lies and feel as if we’ve gone unnoticed. 

2020 brought a lot of different challenges, but there’s one thing specifically that seemed to have an effect on all of us; isolation. We were built for community. Think about it. Before the Earth was even created, there was community. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just hanging out with each other. At our church we like to say that we are better together. Not because it has a nice ring to it or makes for a cool slogan; but because we actually believe it to be true. When you feel isolated, even if you are going out of your way and doing good, it can feel like nothing you’re doing is being seen or celebrated, and that can lead to you wondering if what you’re doing even matters. 

Here is the hard truth. God didn’t create us for fame or recognition. Think about Jesus, who was God in the flesh. When crowds flocked to Him, what did He often do? He withdrew. Into the hills. Into obscurity. Whether with His disciples or to spend time alone with the Father. Why? We could go a few different directions here, but I think it’s because He knew that the only opinion or affirmation that was worthy was that of his Father’s. 

What if we lived in such a way? What if no matter if people saw the good we were doing or not, we kept on doing it anyway because we know that it pleases the Lord? It’s people that continue doing the small things without recognition that keep the world going. It’s unfortunate that these people don’t get celebrated more often, but in reality, they get celebrated by the One who matters. He sees you. He is pleased with you. And the best part? As Christians we know that we will indeed reap in due season. It may never happen this side of heaven, but as we push on and continue to do good, we will be welcomed into glory and get to hear the voice of our Father proclaim, “Well done good and faithful servant.” 

Challenge: Don’t give up! Keep doing good and rest in God’s affirmation that you are enough. You do enough. Remember that in even the most isolating seasons, He is with you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that we can find rest from this world in the arms of Jesus. God, help me to remember and remind myself constantly of how you see me. You are pleased. I am your beloved. You sent your son to die for me. You notice me. I will continue to do good, even if I never see the harvest here on earth. I will not give up, because you didn’t give up on me when I was at my worst. 

Dita 18Dita 20

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Getting Ready-21 Days of Prayer

Getting Ready is a 21-day prayer journey for you to get ready for all that God has for you in 2021. Revelation 19 talks about the wedding of the Lamb and that our God is coming. We want to prepare our hearts for His return and to live with urgency.
