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Two Weeks of Praying GraceShembull

Two Weeks of Praying Grace

DITA 14 NGA 14

Praying Grace

So let us step boldly to the throne of grace, where we can find mercy and grace to help when we need it most. (Hebrews 4:16 VOICE)

As a final exhortation, we must avoid the trap of turning prayer itself into a work. The fact is, the ever-present pull of our flesh is to turn everything good and spiritual into a work. The flesh likes to engage in works because it feeds our sense of pride. Most of us would rather earn rewards than receive gifts. Nevertheless, as we’ve seen, grace must be received as a gift.

After all, the Word of God describes the very habitation of our magnificent, reigning God as a throne of grace. Thus, the only way to come to Him is empty-handed but with a heart full of joyful gratitude for the privilege of coming before a King such as this. Good, compassionate, patient, and kind—this is the God who has chosen you to be His own.

Charles Spurgeon said it this way: “O, pray-er, why is your heart sad when you stand before the throne of grace? If it were a throne of justice you are approaching, you might have reason to despair. But you are favored to come before a King dressed in silken robes of love, so let your face shine with sacred delight.”

God’s throne is ever and always a place of mercy, grace, and help for you, His child.

Prayer of Declaration:

When I feel disqualified or unworthy,
I pray grace!
When I feel abandoned,
I pray grace!
When I am losing hope,
I pray grace!
When I am tempted to doubt that God is for me,
I pray grace!
When I feel discouraged,
I pray grace!
When I need a miracle,
I pray grace!

I qualify for all that Jesus suffered, died, and conquered death to purchase for me. When I feel unworthy, I don’t avoid You, the Father who loves me; I run to You.

I come boldly and confidently—not because of any merit of my own—but solely because I have been clothed in Jesus’ righteousness and merit. He has wholly and fully reconciled me to You. By the precious blood of Jesus, I have been cleansed from the shame and guilt of all my sin. Through His broken body, He has made available healing and wholeness for every part of my being.

I pray today and every day from this position of restful gratitude. It is not a throne of justice that I approach. It is ever and always a throne of grace.

Learn more about this kind of praying::


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Two Weeks of Praying Grace

Discover a new way to pray. A way that is more about proclaiming than pleading. A way rooted in an understanding of the goodness of God and the astonishing breadth of what Jesus purchased for us on the cross. A way that helps you approach God with confidence and joy. Author and pastor David A. Holland takes you on a two-week journey into new dimensions of intimacy and impact.
