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Daily Bible Reading — Sustained by God’s Word of PromiseShembull

Daily Bible Reading — Sustained by God’s Word of Promise

DITA 10 NGA 31

July 10


Yesterday’s reading concluded with the LORD telling Samuel to do what the people want and give them a king. In today’s reading, the LORD tells Samuel that he will encounter a man whom Samuel is to anoint as king. While Saul is searching for his father’s missing donkeys, he meets Samuel, and Samuel invites him to a banquet. Saul is given a place at the head of the table, the place of honor. Thus Samuel treats Saul as if Saul were already king.

Today’s Scripture: 1 Samuel 9:16b (GNT)

[The LORD said:] “I have seen the suffering of My people and have heard their cries for help.”

Today’s Reading 

1 Samuel 9:1-27


Israel’s cries for help (verse 16) pertain to attacks and threats of attack from their surrounding enemies, and the person God chooses to serve as their king will be primarily one who is able to provide military leadership and “rescue them from the Philistines” (9:16a).  How is Saul described?  In addition to being a judge, Samuel was also a priest and a prophet. What verses in today’s reading indicate these two aspects of Samuel’s calling as a servant of God?


Lord God, keep me mindful of Your loving and guiding presence. May all I do and say bring glory and honor to You. Amen.

Prayer Concern

Banquet caterers.

Tomorrow’s Reading

1 Samuel 10:1-16: Samuel anoints Saul as king.

Shkrimet e Shenjta

Dita 9Dita 11

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Daily Bible Reading — Sustained by God’s Word of Promise

Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with the Bible. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “Sustained by God’s Word of Promise.”
