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God Can Restore All Things (Even Your Marriage)Shembull

God Can Restore All Things (Even Your Marriage)


God Has a Perfect Design for Marriage that He is Restoring

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Paul reminds us that God has a specific design and vision for love, and through the power of the Spirit, we can live out the vision with one another.

When we look at this vision of love, we see that love focuses on practices that benefit the receiver of the love. As one person loves in kindness and patience while resisting arrogance, rudeness, and resentfulness, the person receiving that love will benefit. If both people in the relationship can join in God’s vision of love, they will constantly be serving each other, meaning that both people will receive the service from the other as well.  

The same cycle is true in Ephesians 5. Wives submit their lives to their husbands and husbands give up their lives for their wives. This constant sacrifice and reward system allows both people to serve the other endlessly. It is completely selfless, but everyone benefits. Perhaps this is what Paul meant by “outdoing one another in showing honor”(Romans 12:10).

While this may sound simple in theory, it can be so hard to live this out. We can’t do it on our own. We need the power of Christ in us. He has modeled this type of sacrificial love perfectly for us, and scripture tells us that with him, all things are possible. 

When you experience the impossibility of loving another flawed human being in the way that God calls us to love one another, look to Christ as your example. When you feel like you’ve tried everything and your spouse just won’t return your love, hold on to the wonderful love given to you through Christ. He laid his life down for His people, for you. Now, we respond by submitting our lives to Him, and we get to reap the wonderful rewards that come with His sacrifice.

Because of Christ’s death and resurrection, we have His power in us to live out His vision for love in our relationships, our friendships, and most importantly, our marriages. In the midst of trials and hard times when you think there’s no hope, remember that Christ makes the impossible possible. Look to Him and follow in His ways.

If you would like to talk to someone more about what this looks like click here. 

Dita 4

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God Can Restore All Things (Even Your Marriage)

This study will look at how the restorative nature of God can change our marriages.
