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Fix Your Eyes On Eternity: A 12-Day Devotional On Heaven And The New EarthShembull

Fix Your Eyes On Eternity: A 12-Day Devotional On Heaven And The New Earth

DITA 11 NGA 12

The popular term “bucket list” refers to an inventory of things people want to do before they die. The idea is that since our time on Earth is limited, we have to do such things now because this is our only opportunity. This makes sense from a naturalistic worldview—one that doesn’t recognize any afterlife. It also makes sense from various religious worldviews that maintain there may be existence after death but there’s no physical resurrection or no continuity between this life and the next.

The one worldview in which the bucket list makes no sense at all is biblical Christianity. 

Don’t misunderstand. Nanci and I like going to new places and doing new things. I don’t believe this is wrong, nor is it wrong to list things you’d like to do if God gives you the resources and leads you to do so before you die.

But the “bucket list” mentality—that this life is our only chance to ever enjoy adventure and fun—flies in the face of the biblical teaching of the resurrection.

Many Christians have never been clearly taught the meaning of the resurrection, so they imagine they’ll live forever in a disembodied state. But this viewpoint is self-contradictory. A nonphysical resurrection is like a sunless sunrise. There’s no such thing. Resurrection means we will have bodies! 

A sincere believer once told me, “I hate to admit this, but I don’t look forward to Heaven. I wish I could live with Jesus on this Earth. I hate sin and suffering and death, and I want it all to end, but I wish the Earth would go on forever. ”

As much as this man loved Jesus, he thought death would mark the end of his opportunity to enjoy good food, music, literature, adventure, travel, and learning. So he hoped God would understand why he spent his time and money on his bucket list. 

Ironically, what this man wished for is exactly what the Bible promises! For God’s children, there’s simply no need for a bucket list.

So are you living with the disappointment of unfulfilled dreams? In Heaven, you’ll find their fulfillment. Did poverty, poor health, war, or lack of time prevent you from pursuing an adventure or dream? Did you never get to take that trip or finish building that boat or painting that picture? Good news. On the New Earth you may well have a second chance, or an eternity of renewed opportunities, to do what you dreamed of doing—and far more besides.

Dita 10Dita 12

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Fix Your Eyes On Eternity: A 12-Day Devotional On Heaven And The New Earth

Scripture tells us to fix our eyes on what is unseen (2 Corinthians 4:18). Are you daily focusing on what’s eternal? Does the thought of Heaven fill you with joy and anticipation, or with dread and uncertainty? Join Randy Alcorn for this 12-day devotional on Heaven and the New Earth, and learn more about the eternal home that awaits us, and why we should be excited to experience it.
