Glory Song - Devotional By Matt RedmanChikamu

Glory Song - Devotional By Matt Redman

DAY 3 OF 7

Greatest Hallelujah 

From the album ‘Glory Song’ by Matt Redman

In his Christian literary classic Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes, “God has prepared for Himself one great song of praise throughout eternity, and those who enter the community of God join in this song.” 

Sometimes we make worship too small. We limit it to a few people singing in a room with a guitar. But actually, worship is an epic anthem. As Bonhoeffer said, it is “a song of praise throughout eternity”—the scope of which we cannot fully fathom during this life.

There’s a hallelujah

An everlasting song

A never-ending anthem

We sing to you alone

Resounding in the heavens

And in our hearts today

Right now, around the globe, there are people singing to Jesus. Some of them are in small rooms. Some of them are in big rooms. Some of them are doing it quietly. Some are making a joyful noise. Different tribes and tongues, all around the world. That is an epic anthem.

And this grand flow of praise has echoed down through the centuries. If we look as far back as 3,000 years ago, and read the Psalms, they are singing the same song we are today. It’s important to remember that when we worship God, we are part of something that is so much bigger than what we can see with our eyes. 

Beyond all of the people in the world and throughout history, the song of praise goes even farther—throughout the heavens and all of creation. As Psalm 96 declares, “Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; Let the sea roar, and all its fullness; Let the field be joyful, and all that is in it” (Psalm 96:11-12).

Revelation paints an incredible picture of the type of corporate worship we will experience one day: “Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, To receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!’” (Rev. 5:11-12).

Humanity, the heavens, all of creation, the elders, the angels, all in joyful assembly pouring out an unceasing flow of praise before the throne of God. In reality, that’s what we join when we gather in our churches. We’re joining our voices to that great song of praise that Bonhoeffer spoke of, entering the community of God by joining in that song.  

God deserves our greatest hallelujah. You will sing many songs in your lifetime. You might sing to a loved one, you might sing for a sports team that you like, but there is a song that is to be greater than all of those because it is the only one that will be sung for eternity, and it is the only one that everyone will sing. Your greatest hallelujah must always be for Jesus.  


Zuva 2Zuva 4

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Glory Song - Devotional By Matt Redman

Matt Redman, the artist that brought you the powerful worship song "10,000 Reasons" spent 2017 writing and recording in Capitol Studios in LA. His heart is to bring new songs to the church that sing of God's glory and fame. Walk through the album and dive further into Matt's heart behind 7 of the songs on the album with these devotions.
