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God Has Not Forgotten You: When Life Is Turned Upside DownChikamu

God Has Not Forgotten You: When Life Is Turned Upside Down


Receiving His Strength

It takes a great deal of strength to face the devastating effects tragedy and loss can have on your life. The weight of all you are facing not only weakens your heart, but also your body. It may take all the strength you have to take care of your physical needs—such as eating, grooming, and interacting with others—let alone dealing with job responsibilities, financial troubles, and the many decisions needing to be made about an uncertain future.

But God has not called you to face this season in your own strength. In your own strength you can lose heart and become discouraged. But in your weakness, you can find strength in Him, just as Paul did when he asked the Lord to heal him of a physical condition, and God said no. God did, however, promise to be with Paul: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Likewise, no matter how challenging things get or how weary you become, He is with you and you can rely on His all-powerful strength to get you through. He never grows weary (see Isaiah 40:28).

If you are carrying a burden that seems too heavy to bear, tell Him so. Then ask Him to show His strength in your time of weakness. Isaiah 40:31 says, “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagle’s; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Receive His strength today! He can give you strength of mind, body, spirit, and all the power you need to rise above your circumstances and overcome!

Taking back your life

  1. Look again at Isaiah 40:31 (above). What encouragement does this verse give you in your weariness? How can you apply this verse to your life?
  2. Talk with your spouse, a close friend, or a relative about your weariness and your need for God to strengthen you. Pray together (or alone) and ask God to strengthen your mind, body, and spirit with His strength.
  3. God also uses others to encourage and support us in times of need. If you find that getting out of bed, handling everyday responsibilities, or even thinking clearly is too difficult, ask someone you trust to help you find a counselor to assist you with the healing process. Allow others in your household or a close friend to help you with grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and caring for the children until you begin to feel stronger.
Zuva 10Zuva 12

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God Has Not Forgotten You: When Life Is Turned Upside Down

Facing tragedy, or life’s storms of any kind, can be extremely difficult, but in the midst of heartache and pain, you can find the hope and courage to go on. In this 31-day devotional, you’ll see that through the help of caring family members and friends, and the encouragement found in the Bible, you can receive the resources to persevere in your faith. We would like to thank Leslie Barner and FamilyLife for providing this plan. For more information visit
