Good FaithChikamu
Have you ever found yourself in a situation that felt completely and totally unclear? A moment when the next right step to take was lost on you? A time when you almost felt frozen in place? If you have, you’re not alone! Every single one of us has found ourselves in a moment of uncertainty—a moment when taking even just one small step in any direction feels like the hardest thing we can do. When that happens, we don’t have to stay frozen in fear or lack of clarity. Instead, we can follow the psalmist’s lead. We can fall back on the unfailing love of God—not just once, but daily.
Every morning, we can set ourselves before Him in faith and trust. We can present our circumstances to God in those moments, over and over and over again, until the next right step is made clear to us by Him. This is how a faith life is really lived out. One morning, one prayer, one step at a time. What next step in your life feels unclear right now? This week, commit to taking that to God daily, asking for His help to trust and His clarity to lead you toward the next right step of faith.
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu
We’re told to have faith that certain things will happen, to put our faith in ourselves, to keep the faith, to be faithful. But while phrases like that get tossed around in our vocabulary all the time, have you ever stopped to wonder what faith is really all about? At its core, faith is all trust, hope, and confidence. In this devotional, we’ll look at how putting our faith in Jesus shapes the way we live.