Journey With Jesus 365Chikamu

What does it mean to have child-like faith?
Jesus said that a person must have faith like a child in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven. When a small child obeys an authority figure, they have a full and complete trust in their leadership. A child doesn’t need to understand the why or every detail about the instruction; they simply obey because of their deep trust in the authority. This is what it means to have the faith of a child. We must have a deep trust in God, even when we can’t understand every detail and even when it doesn’t make sense to us.
In what area of your life do you need to have child-like faith today?
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

Experience authentic and lasting life change as you strengthen your relationship with Jesus! Journey with Jesus 365 will take you on a journey to better understand the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Each day you will have readings from one of the gospels, while also reading through the whole Bible in one year. Daily devotions are focused on the life of Jesus, and provide context for the reading and practical ways to apply Biblical truths to the life of the believer. Start your Journey with Jesus today!