The Holy Spirit Explained - Part IChikamu

The Holy Spirit Explained - Part I

DAY 6 OF 6

The Spirit’s Presence—A New Reality

Throughout the Old Testament, we see the Holy Spirit at work in powerful and transformative ways. He was present in Creation, in the lives of Israel’s leaders, and in the sanctification of God's people. Yet, His Presence was often external.

The Holy Spirit’s Presence was a sign of distinction, marking individuals like Moses, Joshua, the judges, and the kings. These leaders were set apart by God for specific purposes, and His Spirit empowered them to fulfill their roles. The Spirit’s Presence was also evident in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple, where God’s Glory filled these places, sanctifying the people by reminding them of His constant Presence.

However, as we transition from the Old Testament to the New, we see a noticeable shift. The Spirit who once dwelt amid the people now dwells within the hearts of believers. This marks a new day, a new Covenant, where every believer, not just a select few, is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. We no longer rely on a physical temple; we are the Temple. We no longer offer sacrifices; Jesus has made the Ultimate Sacrifice, reconciling us to God and opening the door for direct access to Him.

This Indwelling of the Spirit is meant to be a living reality. There should be evidence of the Holy Spirit within us. In the Old Testament, it was evident when the Spirit was upon someone. That person’s life was marked by Power, Purpose, and God’s Presence. Shouldn't it be just as evident today in our lives if the Spirit truly dwells within us?

As you reflect on this, consider the impact of the Holy Spirit in your daily life. Seek a deeper relationship with God, allowing the Holy Spirit to shape your actions, thoughts, and character. If you haven’t yet experienced the Spirit’s Indwelling Presence, turn to Christ—He is the only Way to true forgiveness, reconciliation, and a Spirit-filled life.

This week, make it your goal to live out the reality of God, the Holy Spirit's Presence within you. Let His Presence be unmistakable in your words, actions, and every moment of the life God has given you.

This devotional was inspired by an episode of the Straight Truth Podcast. You can listen to the episode at this link:

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About this Plan

The Holy Spirit Explained - Part I

Explore the transformative work of the Holy Spirit from Old Testament times until today. This series unveils how the Spirit empowered leaders, inspired prophets, and sanctified God’s people. Now, as the Indwelling Presence in believers, the Spirit continues to guide, empower, and shape us. Discover how His Presence should make a difference in your life.
