TheLionWithin.Us: Called to Be an AmbassadorChikamu

TheLionWithin.Us: Called to Be an Ambassador

DAY 1 OF 4

Understanding Our Identity as Ambassadors

Ambassador is not a word that is used very often in everyday settings.

In fact, the definition is an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country. That rules out the majority of people alive so it is worth considering why the Apostle Paul chose that word for us to consider.

Upon reflection, the word representation surfaces as the hinge point for us to consider and there are significant insights that appear to be most salient. For instance, when we represent something, we are the voice and symbol of the said interest. If that remains true for our walk with Christ the stakes just got raised.

If we were honest with ourselves most Christians feel that in a given social setting, church for example, this is where they are tasked with representing the Christian values to the highest degree. Usually in these settings, we get the most support and encouragement to live out our convictions and the amount of friction is minimal. The truth of the matter is that many relax their convictions when not in those environments and this was the issue that Paul was warning about.

In reality, an ambassador is a representative no matter the time, date, or location. Digging in deeper, this idea conveys that no matter where we find ourselves throughout a given day, our primary responsibility is to represent Christ in all that we do. This includes when we are at home engaging with our families, while at work interacting with colleagues, direct reports, managers, and customers, as well as during the most mundane activities, such as sitting in traffic or at the grocery store. When you think about it in that context, generally, the excuse-making begins to manifest. Don’t believe me, just hang in there a little while longer.

It is so easy, in these moments, to begin rationalizing our thoughts regarding being an ambassador as something reserved for those called to “full-time” ministry. As a brief side note, remember that anytime we rationalize something in essence, we often are making “rational lies” that may help us head that off in the future. In this context, an example would be when we put the role of ambassador strictly on pastors, worship leaders, and missionaries. This is an outsourcing mindset and is where all too often many find themselves resolving that their job as believers is to accept Christ as their Savior and monetarily support “Full-time” people called into the ministry. My my my how we deceive ourselves. This outsourcing mindset has been an effective trap from the evil one and limits so many warriors for Christ from truly reaching the plans God has for their lives.

Being an ambassador first requires that we embrace our identity to that incredible call. This also means debunking the tricks of the evil one when we begin thinking that this is only for the select few that God chooses a special anointing for. In fact, every person who confesses Jesus as Lord and Savior of their life has, at that moment, assumed the role of an ambassador for Christ. Instead of shirking the responsibility, I pray you lean into this amazing gift and remember that no matter your setting, the company you find yourself with, or your personal circumstances, we all are full-time ambassadors for Christ and thus the need to represent Him at our utmost best at all times. This mindset should drive us immensely as we choose to pick up our cross and follow Him daily.

Questions to Consider

  1. Who would you consider to be a solid ambassador for Christ? Would they feel the same way regarding you?
  2. In what ways do we sometimes rationalize or outsource our role as ambassadors for Christ to others, and how can we overcome this mindset?
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About this Plan

TheLionWithin.Us: Called to Be an Ambassador

Are you an ambassador for Christ? Or is that something you feel is outsourced to “professional” Christians? Through scriptures and reflections, let’s dig in and see how we should consider this unique role. Who knows, it may help us avoid worldly distractions, and courageously share the Gospel in every environment.
