The Man You Were Made to BeChikamu

The Man You Were Made to Be

DAY 1 OF 6


You might not think your fitness has anything to do with your relationship with God – but it does. Every part of you matters to the God who created you, and your physical fitness isn’t just physical. It has repercussions for all of life, affecting your mood, attitude, and creativity. If you’re following Jesus, looking after your body isn’t an optional extra but part of your calling to steward what God’s given you.

There are two extremes you can fall into when it comes to your health and fitness. You can become a body worshipper or a body waster. Body worshipers struggle with pride, and body wasters struggle with guilt. Both extremes are rooted in selfishness. If you’re spending a disproportionate amount of time, energy, or money on your body, that’s probably an indication you’re worshiping it. And if loved ones are urging you to start or stop certain health-related behaviours, it could be that you’re wasting your body, and it would be selfish to ignore their concerns.

Paul explains God’s perspective on how we should treat our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19–20). The Greek philosophy prevalent at the time Paul was writing advocated that our bodies don’t matter, so the Corinthians believed they could do whatever they liked with theirs. We’re seeing a resurgence of this kind of thinking in our culture today. But our Creator cares deeply about every aspect of our lives. Your body is a temple in which God lives.

I’ve learned that what I do with my body is an ownership issue because my body isn’t actually mine. God lovingly created my body; Jesus died to buy it back from sin’s grip; the Holy Spirit fills my body. Because it’s not my body, I can’t just do what I like with it – either worshiping it or wastefully abusing it. The same goes for you. How you look after yourself affects whether or not you’ll experience the abundant life Jesus came to bring (John 10:10) and may also have a bearing on how soon you’ll get to experience the next life! If you’re unfit and you know you’re not living life to the full, think about what needs to change in terms of your eating, exercising, sleeping, or some other health-related aspect of your life. What one thing could you begin doing tomorrow to change your health trajectory?

When you commit to stewarding your health and fitness, you’ll discover new levels of self-respect, determination, and well-being. It’s never too late. There is something you can begin doing to care for your body. You don’t need a crash diet or a crazy dream. You simply need a purpose and a plan, and you need to take the first step. Get started! Honour God by making the most of the body He has given you. You’re fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image (Psalm 139:14), and He paid the highest price imaginable to buy you back from slavery to sin. Praise God: you belong to Him!

Zuva 2

About this Plan

The Man You Were Made to Be

Men are under intense pressure these days. Could this be a good thing? Could it be God’s invitation to transformation? In this encouraging six-day plan, ex-cop and pastor Anthony Delaney explains that when we get honest before our heavenly Father – surrendering our fitness, finances, family, failures, and friendships – He shapes us into the men we’re made to be with nothing to prove and everything to live for.
