True IdentityChikamu

True Identity

DAY 10 OF 12


As we look to the New Testament, Jesus affirms God’s plan in the Old Testament. While his mission was primarily to the Jews, He regularly healed and invited those who were Gentiles (every other race) to come to Him. He wants all to know Him as Lord and Savior, and his charge in Matthew 28:19 was to send the disciples to all nations. When Peter and the apostles begin preaching the good news of Jesus in every language, this power of the Holy Spirit is confirmation that all nations are welcomed into the family of God. Paul reminds Christians in Galatians that our identity in Christ is our primary identity, which crosses barriers, bridges divides, and brings us into unity with one another. Race and ethnicity are still essential parts of understanding the beauty and complexity of God, but they are united in Christ. And we look forward to the new heaven and new earth when every man, woman, and child from every time and place gathers to worship God our Father! Each race, ethnicity, and person He has created finds worth, value, and family in God’s perfect kingdom!

As mentioned yesterday, it can often take work for us to view ourselves and others as having value in God’s future kingdom. As we address our blind spots and strive to work together under the uniting identity of being Christ followers, we can see a glimpse of the future kingdom here and now. We can approach others with compassion, humility, grace, honor, and love, for God desires that all people come into his family.

Ask Yourself:

-Reread Revelation 7:9-10. What might a gathering of all nations look like? Sound like?

-How is this picture different than what you see in your neighborhood, workplace, or Sunday services?

Pause to Pray: Lord, Help me be a small part of bringing all nations to worship you. Show me the next steps to take where I live, work, study, and play…

Take a Next Step: How can you take a step to build a genuine friendship with someone from a different ethnicity? Start with an invitation to share a cup of coffee or tea so that you can get to know one another.

Zuva 9Zuva 11

About this Plan

True Identity

Who are you? Explore God’s word in Ephesians 1-2 and discover how your authentic self, your true identity, has been stolen by labels and the broken systems of the world around you. Dig beneath the surface of some prevailing identity markers to discover God’s truth for who you are and how you are called to live in and out of that truth.
