Wealthy Women ProsperChikamu

Wealthy Women Prosper

DAY 7 OF 10

As busy women, one of our favorite phrases to hear from someone else is “I got this from here.” It’s such a great feeling when you know you have someone you can count on, who loves you enough to desire to lighten your load, and who does it with care, like you would. It reinforces feelings of love and reaffirms your worth in their lives.

This phrase is essentially what God the Father demonstrated for Jesus as Jesus breathed His last breath on the cross. While the Father was always in control, once Jesus’ body was buried in the tomb, the Father performed a miracle that astonished those who came back to the tomb to look for Jesus - He raised Jesus from the dead, divinely restoring Jesus’ body and elevating Jesus to His right hand, which symbolizes all authority and power.

God the Father affirmed His Son’s sacrifice, and He was pleased with Jesus. Jesus went the distance, giving His all, exercising obedience, and remaining faithful to His Father’s instruction. As a result, our Father’s plan for salvation was carried out to completion.

In the same way, God has a good work to perform in you and He promises to bring it to completion.

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 (NLT)

Just as Jesus went from challenges to glory, God is taking you from and to the same. Your Father is bringing you into a wealthy place, by His grace, because you’ve sacrificed, submitted, and surrendered. This rich place is where wealth overflows for you, satisfying your spirit, your soul, and your body. It begins in the spiritual, and God manifests it in the physical through your life, for His glory.

Everything Jesus went through resulted in God getting the glory. In the same way, everything you’ve been through is something that God desires to use for His glory, and He will do so as you follow Jesus.

“Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them.’” Isaiah 43:7 (NLT)

Where do you need elevation in your life? This is the exact area that requires you to sacrifice, submit, and surrender. You will always reap from where you’ve sown. Knowing this, you can be intentional about your next move by asking God to reveal to you where you should focus next. Many times, the best place to focus sowing is in the midst of your greatest need.

As wealthy women, living in a wealthy place in God, we must understand that our elevation begins in the spiritual and that God, if He wills, moves it into the physical. Stated another way, your elevation starts in your spiritual experience and once fully matured, God allows it to show up in your physical experience. This means you may not see it with your physical eyes first, but you will understand it by faith when you do see it, and you will know it originated in the spirit.

“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3 (KJV)

Continue walking by faith, unbothered by what you see in the physical, giving it to God by faith. Trust that God will elevate you and that you will inherit all that He has promised you in His time.

manifestHERdaily Question of the Day: In what area of your life do you need elevation? Where can you begin to submit and surrender as it relates to that area?

Affirmation of the Day:

I am a wealthy woman who prospers, and I welcome God today with a thankful heart. God promised to complete a good work in me; He will complete it. He is blessing me beyond my imagination, and He’s not done with me yet. I am moving in submission and sacrifice to my God, who’s got this, and I am trusting in His Word. I receive the power to relax in Him right now. I speak an era of ease in trusting God over my life right now. I believe.

Zuva 6Zuva 8

About this Plan

Wealthy Women Prosper

Wealthy Women Prosper, by BWFwoman for manifestHERdaily takes you deeper into the "how" behind becoming a wealthy woman, what a wealthy life looks like, & how to access limitless supply. Prepare yourself to walk boldly into wealth, which is a part of your divine inheritance as a child of God. This plan focuses on the truth about prosperity and the Word of God for you.
