Place of Grace | a Holy Week Devotional From Palm Sunday to Resurrection SundayChikamu

Place of Grace | a Holy Week Devotional From Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday

DAY 8 OF 8

Day 8: The Resurrection of Christ


“He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6

Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. John 20:1

Read also Mark 16:4–7; Luke 24:36–43.


“He has risen!” This statement is the rock on which our faith stands. Jesus is indeed our God and Savior who conquered death and saved us from our sins. The Lord’s resurrection establishes the truthfulness and trustworthiness of His words and promises in the Bible. The miracle of the resurrection solidifies the truth of who Jesus is. As believers, our innate response is joy and security, trusting Him with our lives. This is our rightful response.

Despite the undeniable truth of Jesus’ resurrection, the religious leaders chose to concoct a lie to cover up the truth of the resurrection (Matthew 28:11–15). They missed the opportunity to trust Him for their salvation. This false claim that Jesus’ body was stolen is a lie that skeptics still use today to invalidate His resurrection, when in fact the apostle Paul clearly states that Jesus appeared to more than 500 men after His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:6). Unbelief and apathy as a response to Jesus’ resurrection hinders a person’s ability from experiencing the joy of knowing the Lord. In the same way, if we do not believe the truth of the resurrection, we can miss out on having a personal relationship with God through Jesus and enjoying the wonderful promises that He has given in Scripture.

The disciples did not know what lay ahead for them. While the death of Christ may have dashed their hopes, their Teacher, Master, and Friend was now showing Himself as their risen Savior. He initiated fellowship and had breakfast with them (Luke 24:41–43; John 21:12). He uttered words of peace even though they had failed to stand by Him when He was arrested (John 20:19, 21, 26). Jesus restored Peter, who had denied Him three times (John 21:15–19), and He commissioned His disciples to bear His message to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:18–20).

Today and every day, we can stand righteous and forgiven because of Christ's life, death, and resurrection. He is alive, and He has remained true to His word. He conquered sin and death for us, and eternity is now a reality for us. On the cross, He did not just pour out love and grace but won for us the victory that overcomes the enemy. When we read and obey His word, we can be confident in this. When we pray, we can be confident that He hears our prayers and that He is ruling and reigning. When we feel far from God, we can be assured that Jesus is with us, we have been restored like Peter, we have been reconciled, and we have access to our Father. And now we share in the call to proclaim our risen Lord and Savior to every nation.


  • Regarding the Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection, reflect on the times you doubted God’s word. Repent and receive God’s forgiveness for the times you have exercised unbelief. Confess your full trust in God’s word and promises today.
  • The disciples failed Jesus in many ways. One denied Him, another doubted Him, and most fled during Jesus’ arrest. While you may feel as though you have failed Him too, ultimately, He is the one who initiates and restores His relationship with you, just as He restored and commissioned His disciples as ambassadors of the gospel. How does the truth of the resurrection turn your doubts into devotion, despair into hope, and reflection into action?
  • After He was resurrected, Jesus went to His disciples to reveal Himself to them and restore them to Himself. Do you believe that Jesus still reveals Himself to people who do not know Him, have doubted Him, and have turned away from Him? Identify such people in your family and community, and pray for them to come to the saving knowledge of God. Ask God to use your testimony to draw them to Him.
Zuva 7

About this Plan

Place of Grace | a Holy Week Devotional From Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday

Every year, believers come together for a weeklong celebration of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. From Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday, let us reflect on how God demonstrated His love for humanity by sending His Son to die on the cross and bring us to a place of grace and love, enabling us to live a life marked by Christ’s triumph.
