The Good LifeChikamu

The Good Life

DAY 3 OF 7

Day 3: Success: What it Is and How to Obtain It:
Yesterday, we briefly touched on what true success is. While success may look a little different for everyone, today we are going to define what it actually is and how you can obtain it.

What it Is:

To understand the true meaning of anything in life, you must first seek what God says about the matter. This same principle applies to being successful. What does God say about it? The answer is quite simple: To be truly successful, you must fulfill the purpose for which you were created.

God has a divine purpose for everyone on this earth. He did not put you on this planet without any forethought. Remember Jeremiah 29:11, which says, “For I know the plans I have for you” (NIV).

This scripture tells us that 1) God is a planner, and 2) He has plans—specific strategies and divine purposes—for your life.

True success, in God’s eyes, is not measured by your possessions, popularity, performance, or prestige. These might grant you some temporary accomplishments and even some material gain, but in the end, if you have not fulfilled your reason for existence, then true success has not been obtained.

In God’s eyes, success comes down to three things:

· Becoming who God designed you to be

· Doing what God created you to do

· Possessing what God wants you to own

How to Obtain It:

So we know what it is. . . . now how do we obtain it?

King Solomon, a prime example of wealth and wisdom, writes this about wisdom: “. . . But wisdom brings success” (Ecclesiastes 10:10b, NKJV) and “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7, NKJV).

How did Solomon become so rich and enjoy much success? Simple. He asked for and received the wisdom of God. It’s still the foundational key to success today. A life built on the wisdom of God produces many benefits, some of which are:

Stability (Isaiah 33:6). Truly successful people — especially those who experience it for the long haul —build their lives around stability. That’s not to say they don’t take risks or live boring lives. Quite the contrary. When your life is grounded in the wisdom of God, the world around you could be completely caving in, but you stand strong amid chaos.

Value and Admiration (Proverbs 3:35). Each year, individuals are awarded the Pulitzer and Nobel Peace Prizes for their outstanding, recognizable work in literature or public service. In the same manner, celebrities and athletes alike are continually admiring their parents, coaches, and mentors for their “words of wisdom." Whether you are winning international recognition or respect from your peers, wisdom is the door to admiration.

Favor in High Places (Proverbs 14:35). Have you ever noticed how some people, even though not the most naturally qualified, seem to receive promotions and blessings? Maybe they lacked the proper education or experience, but still are highly successful. This, my friend, is a result of hard work and favor— and favor comes to those who operate in divine wisdom. One thing I have learned is you cannot reach success and enjoy the good life on your own. People will have to show you favor, and wisdom is the “favor magnet”!

Riches (Proverbs 14:24). King Solomon easily proves this point. The wisest man who ever lived was one of the richest men who ever lived. Pretty simple!

Long Life (Proverbs 4:10). The Bible promises long life to those who walk in wisdom and do not live in the way of the wicked. Not only can wise habits add years to your physical life, but financial wisdom can multiply your assets and extend your legacy. Whatever wisdom touches lives long.

Safety and Security (Proverbs 2:11-12). The storms of life are inevitable and show no favoritism. Jesus said that the wise man (he who listens to His words and does them) builds his house on the rock, while foolish men build on sand (Matthew 7:24-26). Wisdom is the primary element to your safety and security, no matter what life may throw your way.

If you want to be successful, seek the wisdom of God!

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About this Plan

The Good Life

In The Good Life Plan, author Lawrence Powell dispels the myths about obtaining wealth as unvirtuous while drawing our hearts back to the deepest well of wealth we can inherit—faith and sufficiency in our Lord, Jesus Christ!
