Why Is Redemption Necessary?Chikamu

Why Is Redemption Necessary?

DAY 4 OF 4

Redemption for free

We are all born into sin.
We can’t justify ourselves.
And so, we need to acknowledge that we have a sinful nature and that redemption is necessary, even though we don’t deserve it.

That is the summary of the past three days of this plan.

You would almost expect that there is a way that you have to pay for this redemption. Maybe not through works, but possibly through something else. Money, status, praying ten times a day?

But no.
This redemption that comes through Jesus doesn’t cost anything.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24)

Christ came to this world for us.
He became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).
He gave Himself for us on the cross and purchased us with His precious, clean blood.
Only through His blood are forgiveness and eternal redemption possible (Hebrews 9:12).

Jesus is the answer.

Jesus did what none of us can do.

Jesus was sent by God, the gracious Father. He paid the price and set us free from sin.

Jesus took our place.

For free!

It is all grace, grace, grace.
Undeserved favor.
We don’t have to do anything other than accept Jesus as our Redeemer.

That is good news!



This Bible plan is based on a part of the FREE book Living in the Fullness. Get your free copy today!

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About this Plan

Why Is Redemption Necessary?

If Jesus hadn’t died for us and risen from the dead, we would all have been lost. But why are we lost without Jesus? Can we also receive redemption if we live a "good" life? This Bible plan will help you to get to know the need for redemption.
