Helping Others Like Jesus Chikamu

Helping Others Like Jesus

DAY 2 OF 3

Day 2 - God Helps us When we Help Someone

Jesus miraculously fed thousands of people using just a few loaves and fish. The provisions provided abundant food for everyone present, as recounted in Matthew 14:20: “They all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over.”

However, as emphasized by the Lord in Deuteronomy 8:3, sustenance alone does not sustain life; rather, life is nourished by every word proceeding from the Lord's mouth. The widow's life, as illustrated in the Old Testament book of 1 Kings, was not sustained by bread but by her obedience to God and willingness to help.

The narrative in 1 Kings 17:7-16 portrays a compelling example of assisting others in challenging circumstances, featuring Elijah and a widow. Elijah delivered a prophetic word warning of a drought, during which he was initially sustained by ravens and a brook that eventually dried up. In response, the Lord directed Elijah to seek aid from a widow in Zarephath. This widow possessed only enough ingredients to make one final loaf of bread for herself and her son before succumbing to starvation.

Despite her dire situation, Elijah urged her to prioritize him by making a loaf for him first, promising that her supply of flour and oil would not deplete until the drought's end. This story teaches us the challenge of extending help when it involves personal sacrifice, emphasizing trust in God's ability to bridge the gap when we respond to the call to aid others.

The widow's remarkable response to Elijah's initial request stands out, as she selflessly stepped beyond her suffering to provide a drink for a stranger. Her extraordinary faith is evident in her actions during the drought, not only to find water for Elijah but also by faithfully following his instructions. In her obedience and faith, the widow demonstrated resilience, creating multiple meals for herself, her son, and Elijah, all without depleting her limited flour and oil resources.

This act of generosity may have been guided by the Holy Spirit, enabling her to discern God's voice, or it could be attributed to her obedience to the Lord's command to "love kindness" (Micah 6:8).

In the profound narrative of Elijah and the Widow from 1 Kings 17:7-16, the theme of divine assistance through human compassion is eloquently illustrated. The widow's obedience to God and willingness to help, despite her dire circumstances, showcase a powerful testimony to the reciprocal nature of aid. As the widow selflessly prioritizes Elijah, she embodies the essence of kindness, "God Helps us When We Help Someone." This poignant story underscores the challenge of extending assistance amidst personal sacrifice, highlighting the trust in God's provision when responding to the call to aid others. The widow's remarkable faith and resilience, guided by the Holy Spirit or grounded in obedience to divine commands, become a beacon of inspiration, emphasizing the profound truth that divine help often manifests through human acts of kindness and selflessness.

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About this Plan

Helping Others Like Jesus

One of the most compelling aspects of Jesus' approach to helping others is his indiscriminate compassion. In contemporary society, the call to help others as Jesus did remains as relevant as ever. In just three days, for 10 minutes per day, alone with God and His Word, you will learn we are called to extend a helping hand to all who are in need.
