Becoming an Embedded InfluencerChikamu

Becoming an Embedded Influencer

DAY 1 OF 3


Idolatry can be defined as the worship of anything other than God. Pastors and theologians often refer to “near” and “far” idols. Far idols are deeply rooted. They are where we try to find security, identity, and joy. These far idols consist of control, power, approval, and comfort. “Near” idols may be more recognizable in your life, but they are merely surface reflections of these four:

-If Power is your idol, you long for influence or recognition and go to great lengths to avoid humiliation.

-If Control is your idol, you long for everything to go according to your plan and avoid uncertainty at all costs.

-If Comfort is your idol, you long for pleasure and try to avoid risk and stress.

-If Approval is your idol, you long to be accepted or desired, and you fear rejection.

What do idols have to do with influence? Everything. Where we place our security, where we look for identity, and where we find joy determines our mission, our goals, and our choices. If God is not the center of our lives, we live a lesser story. If God’s mission is not our mission, then we live in the grip of a shadow mission. Rather than finding purpose and meaning in His story and His mission, we revert to living in the grip of our idols.

Ask Yourself:

-Which of these far idols is most tempting to you? (power, control, comfort, approval)

-In Deuteronomy 10:12-22, God is speaking to the nation of Israel. In Matthew 22:37, Jesus responds to a question about the greatest commandment. And in Romans 1, Paul is writing to the church in Rome. What do you learn about idolatry from these passages?

-How does your idol contribute to a “shadow mission” and keep you from living for God’s mission?

Pause to Pray: Not one of us is immune to the temptation of one of these idols. Pause to praise God for His great love for you. Thank Jesus that He has made a way for you to draw near to God and turn from idols. Confess the sin of idolatry. Ask God to deepen His love in your heart so that you will grow in your love for Him.

Take a Next Step: What single action will you take today that reflects your love for God above your idol(s)?

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Becoming an Embedded Influencer

You are always in the process of becoming. Who you are becoming may be more or less who you really want to be. As a follower of Jesus Christ, you are meant to become more like Him. One day, one decision, and one action at a time. The Becoming reading plans will look at four facets of discipleship, moving you closer to a life that looks like Jesus.
