In Security – Ems HancockChikamu

In Security – Ems Hancock

DAY 5 OF 10


Being Secure Enough Not To Compare

One of the problems of our times is that we compare our “inside lives” to other people’s “outside lives”. We look at their Instagram-worthy snapshot and contrast it with our inner, aching low. The temptation of comparison comes to us every day in photos, tweets and social media statuses. This can feed our insecurities.

As the people of God we need to be secure in both who we are and in what we look like. I shocked someone recently by saying I wouldn’t change a single thing about my body. Her list was as long as my arm! But I am genuinely happy as I am. I know that God made me well and I like myself. I am content in my own (middle-aged) skin.

All too often we can find ourselves caught up in the nonsense of our celebrity comparison culture. We find ourselves feeling like we don’t measure up. And we waste time, effort and money trying to stop ourselves ageing naturally. We become fascinated with teeth-whitening procedures, skin tucks, weight loss and Botox. This is deeply unhealthy. We don’t need this kind of polluted, worldly tributary flooding the river of our thinking.

The truth is, you and I were fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:15-16 tells us some of the amazing care God went to, when we were created:

“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place … Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

God had a great day when He made you! He celebrated your unformed body in His mind and He wrote all about your life in His book. He enjoyed designing you, personally.

Take a look at all your body can do. Remember how your mind functions; how you can perform simple and complex tasks and don’t take them for granted.

Prayer: Lord, I am sorry for the times I compare myself to others and feel low about my skills or my body. Show me how to be content with how well I am made. Amen.


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About this Plan

In Security – Ems Hancock

'Insecurity is based on doubt. It asks deep questions like “Do I matter? Am I important? Am I loved?” It also asks shallower questions like, “Does this suit me? Can I get away with this haircut?” Whoever you are and whatever you do, you will have times when you feel insecure. This plan offers simple practical ways to apply biblical truth when insecurity strikes.
