This Is HIS Year: A Biblical Guide to Grace and GoalsChikamu

This Is  HIS Year: A Biblical Guide to Grace and Goals

DAY 5 OF 5

Grace and Goals
What would it look like to honor God with your time, talents, and treasures this year?

So far, we have talked about our main goal in life: to glorify and enjoy God. We learned that we can glorify God by loving God and others. But what about other kinds of goals? Is it okay to desire a more disciplined exercise or morning routine? Of course!

As we make plans in every area of our lives, we must evaluate our motives while making sure they align with God’s Word. So, if your goal this year is to grow in an exercise routine, consider your motives. Do you want to lose weight so that you can win the admiration of your co-workers or so you can bring God glory? The Bible affirms that our bodies are temples of God, and we should take care of them. When we take care of our bodies, we are better able to love those around us. It can be a great goal to grow in this area, but we must also evaluate our motives to see if our goal is to bring glory to God or ourselves.

Each decision we make is an opportunity to worship and honor God as we place our worth not in our appearance or productivity but in the Lord, making goals with the desire to honor God. In light of this, we can honestly evaluate how we spend our time, where we spend our money, and how we use our talents, making plans for change to bring glory to God.

Even so, today’s verses also remind us that despite our best planning, the Lord is the One who determines our steps (Proverbs 16:9). We should make plans and pursue wisdom (Proverbs 21:5) while recognizing that the Lord is gracious to us, even when we fail. His grace is sufficient for us in every season, whether or not we are successful. His grace is sufficient for us, and His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). We can (and should!) make goals, all while resting in His grace.

Let us make goals and work hard this year, trusting ultimately in the Lord. And as we do, may we each grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 13:13).

Reflect and Respond:

  1. Evaluate your time, talents, and treasures. What changes could you make to grow in godliness in these areas this year?
  2. How does remembering God’s grace comfort you as you set goals?
Zuva 4

About this Plan

This Is  HIS Year: A Biblical Guide to Grace and Goals

We were made to bring God glory! As we seek to make “this year God’s year,” we can faithfully pursue Biblical goals while resting in His grace.
