

DAY 4 OF 5

Day 4: Community Blessing

“Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.” Acts 2:45

Going back to this passage in Acts which depicts the Community of the first Church, I have always loved the verse about the believers taking care of one another’s needs and the spirit of generosity that characterized these people. I have heard of churches today passing around their offering buckets, who have added the line, “If you are in need this morning, feel free to take cash back out of the bucket.” I like the sentiment, but the only problem is that most people do not use cash much anymore and when they tithe, they do it with a credit card on-line.

I envision a scene that more specifically lives out this verse. What if anyone who had a need wrote their specific need on a note card and dropped it in the offering bucket? Then, at the end of the service, the pastor read the needs anonymously to the congregation:

Someone here needs $85 to pay their gas bill….

Someone here needs a new air conditioning unit…

Someone here is out of work and cannot make their mortgage payment, which is $1612.00…

Then, the congregation could pray, and if someone was moved by the Spirit, who had the ability to meet one of the needs and was willing, they could contact the church office to make arrangements to do so anonymously. I know it sounds a little crazy, and I may get accused of some form of socialism, but this is how the community of believers in Acts operated. I know there are people on any given Sunday in church who have legitimate needs, and they are sitting right next to others who have been blessed with financial abundance, way above what they need. Would it not be amazing if the body of Christ could support each other like that, without judgment, conditions, recognition, or hesitation?

I have seen this dynamic happen in Community. In several of the discipleship groups I have led, as the participants have grown close and in vulnerability, someone has shared a need of some sort. Outside of the group, someone has brought me a check to help fulfill this need. I have also seen people helping with childcare, with moving, with temporary transportation, with hospital visits, with job placement. Authentic Christian Community creates a family bond where people look for ways to bless one another.

This sort of generosity is infectious and attractive. No wonder it says that in the early Church, the Lord added to their number daily.

Jesus said:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

As we discussed a few days ago, the world is getting darker and darker. The darker it gets, the brighter our Light will shine. The world needs to see Community, Christians loving and caring for one another. Acts 2:47 says more than just that their numbers grew. It says, “The Lord added to their number daily THOSE WHO WERE BEING SAVED.” So, Community is part of God’s plan to save the lost. What a blessing!

Zuva 3Zuva 5

About this Plan


Community was written into our DNA by God. We like to be connected to other people and be a part of their lives. God has something incredibly special for us within Christian community. This week, we will explore the blessing of this thing called Community.
