In the Fast Lane: Psalm 63Chikamu

In the Fast Lane: Psalm 63

DAY 3 OF 3

God Is My Help

As we come to our final day, let’s look at the last few verses of our psalm.

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭63‬‬:6-11 NIV
6 On my bed I remember you;
I think of you through the watches of the night.
7 Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.
8 I cling to you;
your right hand upholds me.
9 Those who want to kill me will be destroyed;
they will go down to the depths of the earth.
10 They will be given over to the sword
and become food for jackals.
11 But the king will rejoice in God;
all who swear by God will glory in him,
while the mouths of liars will be silenced.

We see in these verses David’s utter dependence on God. His thoughts are on God through the night. He goes to God for help. He clings to God.

As a result, David had such confidence that God would keep him safe. His enemies will not defeat him, and they will be destroyed while he is safe in God’s care.

We are probably not facing the physical battles that David faced across his lifetime, but we all face battles and struggles in lots of different ways. We, too, can know the confidence seen in this psalm, and to an even greater amount because we know that Christ has won the ultimate battle for us. Christ conquered sin and death and has brought us into life with God. We know that even death is no longer a defeat because of Jesus, but will lead us into resurrection life with Christ.

In whatever battles we are facing today, let us cling to God: day and night, remembering and celebrating his power and goodness in our lives. When we wake in the night with anxious or stressful thoughts, let us take these as moments to worship God and have intimacy with him.

David said all of this because God was his help.

Before Jesus went to the cross, he spoke to his disciples of the promised Holy Spirit in ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭25‬-‭27‬, saying: “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (ESV)

God, the Holy Spirit, is here, living in us to help us. If we are going to experience the kind of confidence we see in David’s life, then we must first do as he did: ask God for help. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you and help you in every area of your life. We can’t live as followers of Jesus without the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

When we allow God to be our help, then we can find shelter through the storms of life and confidence to walk through many battles and struggles…even fasting!!

God is with you.

As we end our three days of prayer and fasting, may we carry a deep desire for God into this year. A desire that goes beyond anything that the world can offer us. May our lives declare that God’s love in Christ really is better than life itself, and may we worship him as long as we live.

Questions and prayers:

How often do I take time to remember God or think about him in my day?

Jesus, I thank you that there is so much to celebrate as we think about you. Help me to remember you today and to take shelter in you alone. Amen.

How often do I go to God for help?

Holy Spirit, please help me. I choose to look to you to be my help today. Please fill me with your presence so that I will have the power to stand through whatever comes today. Amen.

Zuva 2

About this Plan

In the Fast Lane: Psalm 63

A new year creates an opportunity for a fresh start. Over the next three days, we believe that as you pray, reflect and submit your plans to God, He will reveal His plan for you. We encourage you to pray, fast and study this devotional with friends and family.
