10 Prayers for Financial BlessingChikamu

10 Prayers for Financial Blessing

DAY 9 OF 10

Prayer 9: Help Me Lend to Many Nations, but Never Borrow

The Bible tells us that God does not want His people to be in debt. For example:

  • We are to keep out of debt and owe no man anything except love.
  • We are not to be slaves, for the borrower is slave to the lender.
  • And we are to pursue the promises of God, including His promise that we are to lend to many nations, but never borrow.

Since God wants us to obey His Word, we are not to be in debt of any kind.

In the modern, consumerist age, freedom from debt is an unpopular teaching. Popular culture teaches us to "keep up with the Joneses," and in order to do so, to love debt. Even some churches teach that certain kinds of debt are acceptable. However, the Bible is clear that we are not to be in debt at all. Therefore:

  • Your home is supposed to be paid off.
  • The vehicle you drive is supposed to be paid off.
  • You are not supposed to have any credit card debt.
  • You're not supposed to carry any debt of any kind.

Why? Because debt equals slavery. Debt equals entrapment.

God doesn't want us to be in slavery. He doesn't want us to be trapped by debt. He wants us to be FREE from every way. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17)! God loves freedom!

You can become debt-free.

It will take a decision to do so. It will require determination. It will require hard work. But every time you take steps to obey God in any area, He will meet you there. Getting out of debt is no different. If you will begin getting out of debt, and stick to it, you will find Him coming alongside you and helping you.

But you have to decide to obey God in this.

Do you want to be debt-free? Pray this:

"Father God, I come before You in Jesus' name.

Father, I know you don't want me to have any debt of any kind. I acknowledge this truth from Your Word.

So first, I confess to You that I have lived the opposite of what Your Word says. I have been a consumer of debt, and I haven't thought anything was wrong with that. However, Lord, I see in Your Word that debt is not Your will for me. I ask Your forgiveness for looking to debt for my provision. Thank You for forgiving me.

Lord God, I ask in Jesus' name that You would help me to get completely out of debt.

Help me to really care about this. Give me revelation about it and convict me even more! Grip my heart, my spirit, my mind, my emotions, and my body with the desire to get out of debt. Help that desire transfer over into action as well.

I also ask that You help me be content with what I already have, so that I don't chase after more stuff. Help me instead to put every bit of money I can toward paying off debt. Help me to desire freedom from debt, and desire to obey You, more than I desire any earthly thing.

Father, I ask that You help me take steps every day toward the goal of becoming debt-free.

Give me wisdom; order my steps each day. And Lord, as I obey Your guidance and direction, I ask that You send extra money for me to use toward debt reduction. Send me unexpected checks in the mail; extra, good-paying work; and creative ideas for how to earn more money so I can get out of debt faster. Help me to get out of debt and stay out of debt, in obedience to Your Word.

Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name, amen."

Friend, I know it's easy to use debt to obtain your needs and desires. However, God's Word teaches us that provision is His job. If we will look to Him, manage money His way, and be patient instead of lustful after the things of this world, He will help us walk in His ways of prosperity and blessing.

It will take time, but He will help you live and prosper without debt. Be encouraged today!

Zuva 8Zuva 10

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10 Prayers for Financial Blessing

Need God to bless you financially? Then pray through these 10 Scriptures about financial blessing, and believe Him to answer! God wants you to prosper in all things, including your finances.
