Sealed - Part 2Chikamu

Sealed - Part 2

DAY 2 OF 7

Day 2: The Seal on the Arm 2

In the Bible, the arm symbolizes strength, salvation, and protection. The arm of the Lord signifies His power to deliver, support the weak, and overcome enemies. His arm means divine intervention, which always increases our confidence in His omnipotence and fosters our faith and hope.

The human body was created with two hands, one dominant. The arm of the dominant hand is always stronger than the other, and 90% of humans are right-handed. For most people, the right hand is the strongest. Thus, the Bible uses the right hand to symbolize strength and the left, as it is closer to the heart organ, as an association of riches and honor.

The fiery seal on the Bride's arm is an emblem of partnership in action – the outward testimony that the faith within is active and bearing fruit. This testimony is both words and actions, the way she presents herself, the visible image that others see, and that must manifest the glory of God, His will, and not her own, because she loves Him.

The seal of the fire of God's love must be stamped on our strengths, talents, abilities, and intellect. If we hold positions of honor, riches, and influence, the mark of Jesus must also be there.

Every work done by the person who is sealed with this seal of love must bring glory to God. Whether in the secular marketplace or ministry, we are under the ownership and protection of the Kingdom, and our endeavors must be done, acknowledging that any strength we have comes from God and not from us. Outside of Him, we can do nothing.

Our faith is also not separated from our works. The exclusivity of God in us does not only apply at the level of the heart. His Lordship is over our entire being.

Our faith in Jesus is personal but not private. The love of the mature Bride has an unashamed public testimony of who Jesus is.

The fire seal on the arm makes us ask questions like these:

  1. Does what I do glorify God?
  2. Do my actions build up those around me?
  3. Does my attitude bring peace to my environment?
  4. Does what I present bring people closer to God, or is my testimony dishonorable to the name of Jesus, the seal on me?

My Prayer:

Father God, thank You again for sending Your Son to purchase me with His blood. I set His love as a seal upon my heart and arm. I need to understand more. Jesus is the Lord of life, and all I do must have His mark. Holy Spirit, teach me to glorify God in all I do, be a blessing to people around me, and not be a scandal to them and an embassrament to You. May the testimony of my daily life honor the name of Jesus. Amen.
Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan

Sealed - Part 2

This devotional is the second part of the "Sealed" series based on Song of Songs 8:6. In 7 days, we will meditate on God's seal on our arm and His burning, jealous love for us. You can find the first part by searching "Sealed - Part 1". Read and listen by pressing the Play button. Focus on the Bible verses, for they are the Voice of God over us.
