

DAY 6 OF 7


The story of Simeon and Anna in the temple is usually told around Christmas time because it involves baby Jesus being presented in the temple for the first time. Anna waited in the temple day in and day out, while Simeon was drawn to the temple on this particular day, led by the Holy Spirit. These two displayed two different types of faith. Anna was determined that she would be there when the Savior appeared and basically lived at the temple, waiting for decades, while Simeon had faith that the Lord would alert him and direct him to the place and time the Lord would appear. Both were waiting for a Savior to come, trusting that the prophecies of His birth were true but not knowing when, where, or how He would appear.

Simeon and Anna were ready to welcome Christ into this world, and into their lives. They knew that His appearance would cause despair to turn into hope. These two elderly people, nearing the end of a lifetime of waiting for Jesus, smiled and sang when they saw Him. Surely they didn’t expect Him to show up in diapers, cooing. But they recognized Him anyway, and they welcomed Him.

There are two lessons we can learn from Simeon and Anna as we look for Jesus in and through our circumstances. First, sometimes Jesus shows up in ways we don’t expect. Just like Anna and Simeon may not have expected the Savior of the world to show up in diapers, sometimes when Jesus shows up in our lives, He looks different than we were expecting. Sometimes He looks like an encouraging friend, the kindness of a stranger, or a closed door. Just because He doesn’t look like you envisioned, it doesn’t mean He isn’t active and working on your behalf.

Second, when we are in the midst of trials, we often pray those trials away instead of welcoming Jesus to join us in the trials. Our mourning can be turned to dancing even if our circumstances don’t change. His Presence is what makes a difference.

When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, the Lord didn’t take the fire away, but He did join them in the midst of it (Daniel 3:24-25). He may not show up and change our circumstances, but He can change, mold, and shape us in the midst of them, making us just a little more like Him. A little more patient. A little more gracious. A little more love-filled. A little more dependent on Him.

Oftentimes when we hit a really difficult patch, our prayer life is ratcheted up a level. When we are desperate for God to intervene, we spend more time in prayer and in the Word than we tend to when everything is going well. Look for Him amidst the trials and let Him change you into who He wants you to be as you walk that trial out. If we keep building our faith and our character in each and every trial, we are truly becoming who He wants us to become.

Reflect: Was there a trial that you endured or are currently enduring where Jesus didn’t rescue you like you thought He should? Can you see how His Hand was there all along? In what ways?

Respond: How can you be more intentional about looking for Jesus in the midst of troubles and trials? How can you be more mindful of what He is doing inside of you, even if He isn’t changing your circumstances?

Repent: Pray this prayer: Father, forgive me for being angry or disappointed when You didn’t show up and intervene when and how I thought you should. Your Ways are higher than mine, and I submit to Your Ways and Your plans for my life.

Resolve: Begin looking for Jesus in unlikely circumstances. Keep a journal of divine encounters with others, little God-winks, times when you see His Hand in a circumstance that won’t seem to relent. Ask God how He can use you through that circumstance to help others.

Zuva 5Zuva 7

About this Plan


A reflective look into our created purpose and God's remaking and redeeming us. Each day you will be guided to Read, Reflect, Respond, Repent and Resolve on a particular topic. Go through it with a friend or reflect on your own.
