Worth SharingChikamu

Who do you look up to the most? One of your parents? Your youth leader? Your coach or music director? Your best friend's older sibling?
It is a real gift to have people who pour into us, isn't it? But...have you ever thought about who is pouring into them?
It is easy to think that our role models have it all together, but they are people just like us, who may sometimes struggle with anxiety, stress, bitterness, or feelings of inadequacy. They need our encouragement and prayers, just as we need their investment in our lives.
In our Scripture today, the apostle Paul--a guy who started a bunch of churches in the first century--is writing a letter to a group of people in a church in Colossae. The people there were growing in their faith and telling their friends about Jesus. Paul wanted them to know that as they were growing and leading, they weren't alone. They were being supported in prayer.
In Paul's letter, he first thanks God for them. Then he prays that God will help them grasp God's plans, and finally, he prays that God will give them wisdom and understanding.
Let's pray in a similar way for our leaders. In addition to praying, maybe write them a quick text of encouragement from time to time, or buy them a latte (or a Slurpee--who doesn't love a Slurpee). As leaders invest in us, let's take a moment to think of them.
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

For the next four weeks, we'll follow the story of Samuel to see how God called him to share his faith through his words and actions. We'll discover how God invites us to share the Good News, see why sharing the Good News should start with prayer, explore what to do when sharing the Good News sometimes requires risk, and see how sharing the Good News can happen every day.