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Not OkayChikamu

Not Okay


If you've ever played a game of checkers, you know it starts out pretty simple. You've got a bunch of little checkers, and you try to get them to the other side of the board without getting jumped. It's not too hard.

But once you get to the other side of the board, what happens? You get king'ed. Another checker is put on top, and you've basically teamed up with one of your checkers to become way more dangerous. Now, you can really do some damage. You can move in any direction you want. You can jump your opponent a lot easier. It feels like having superpowers!

Whoever invented checkers understood that when you team up with someone else, you can get a lot more done. That's why two checkers are more effective than one. When you're partnered with someone, you're capable of doing more.

That's also why it's so important for us to partner with each other. This is especially true if you've got a friend who is struggling with worry and stress. If you've ever struggled with worry yourself, you know how alone you can feel. You start to feel like you're the only one who knows what it's like.

But if someone else is there with you, you know you're not alone, and it's way easier to face life's challenges when you know someone has your back. The Bible calls this "building each other up." So, next time a friend needs help, remember how much you two can accomplish together.

Zuva 26Zuva 28

Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

Not Okay

We'll look at four major stressors we all deal with and see how God's words can give us comfort, guidance, and help with each of them. We'll talk about what Jesus offers you when you're not okay, what God wants you to know when people reject you, what to do when it's not easy to do what's right, and when we feel worried, we'll see what God has to say.
