Not OkayChikamu

Great job this week! Today, let’s try something a little different. Let’s see if you can memorize a verse by the time you get to the end of this reading plan. Read this verse a few times, start trying to memorize it, and spend today reflecting on what it says and why it matters.
Sometimes ideas are easier to remember if we connect them to something physical. This week, get a piece of paper and pen and write the passage repeatedly until you can do it from memory.
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

We'll look at four major stressors we all deal with and see how God's words can give us comfort, guidance, and help with each of them. We'll talk about what Jesus offers you when you're not okay, what God wants you to know when people reject you, what to do when it's not easy to do what's right, and when we feel worried, we'll see what God has to say.