Stay on Track! Paul's Letter to the GalatiansChikamu

Stay on Track! Paul's Letter to the Galatians

DAY 22 OF 25

Helping others when they stumble

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.” (Galatians 6:1)

Paul is realistic. He knows that every believer falls into sin from time to time. He is not talking here about people who deliberately maintain sinful patterns but about people who stumble despite their intention to live for God's glory. When this happens, other believers should not react harshly and condemningly. Nor should they tolerate the sin but gently restore the one who has committed a transgression, not to interfere in their life but as a demonstration of love and concern. Paul calls this “bearing one another’s burdens,” offering help when someone cannot manage alone.

Correcting someone else is only possible if your life is guided by the Holy Spirit — who brings love and gentleness. Moreover, we must be careful not to fall into sin ourselves or think we are superior, or before we know it, we will need correction and help!

Do you see your life with God as a private matter, or is the life of faith also something collective? Are fellow believers allowed to call you on your behavior? If they do, how do you react?

Zuva 21Zuva 23

About this Plan

Stay on Track! Paul's Letter to the Galatians

Paul wrote a letter to the Galatians because he was very concerned about their spiritual well-being. They were in danger of straying from the right path, and Paul goes to great lengths to keep them from that. His explanations and advice are still extremely relevant today!
