Don't Give Up!Chikamu

Don't Give Up!

DAY 3 OF 7

Simon Peter

Simon Peter was one of Jesus’ disciples. Even though he walked daily with the Lord, he messed up a lot! He misinterpreted parables, tried to keep children away from Jesus, argued about which of the disciples was the greatest, and tried to walk on water but started to sink because of fear. Peter failed to stay awake and pray with Jesus in the garden, cut off a man’s ear, and denied even knowing Jesus after His arrest. You might assume that Jesus would reject him. Peter was supposed to be one of Jesus' very best friends. I don’t know about you, but I would grow tired of showing him grace. I am so incredibly thankful that Jesus is not me! He never gets tired of forgiving us, and his mercy is everlasting.

Simon Peter was shown grace, even though he did not deserve it. He was the first of the twelve disciples that Jesus appeared to after His resurrection, and he was lovingly restored to his position as a disciple during a meeting with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. He became the leader of the disciples and preached the first evangelical message where 3,000 people got saved, playing a vital role in forming the early church. It is amazing what God can do through broken, messed-up people.

Don't Give Up.

Have you ever messed up? Do you feel like God can’t use you because of the wrong you’ve done? These three simple words are for you - don’t give up. Nothing you have done wrong is greater than the sacrifice that Jesus made for you. His death on the cross provided forgiveness for all your sins. Go to Him, repent, and believe. Then wait and see how He will use you in mighty ways. Just like Simon Peter, He has a plan and a purpose for your life…and it is good!

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About this Plan

Don't Give Up!

Read the stories of 7 people in the Bible who could have given up but didn’t. They were called with a purpose and persevered through difficulties and trials. They were people just like you and me! God wants you to know that whatever you are going through, don’t give up. He is using you for something good!
