One Story at a TimeChikamu

One Story at a Time

DAY 3 OF 5

Embracing the Untouchable

Throughout Jesus’ life, we see Him impacting the world around Him, one story at a time. He offers hope, healing, and restoration in ways that we struggle to wrap our heads around sometimes. One such encounter is found in Mark 1:40-42, where Jesus touches the life of a man considered untouchable and embraces him with His divine love and power. The scene unfolds with a leper approaching Jesus. Leprosy, a dreaded disease in ancient times, not only caused physical suffering but also brought immense social and religious stigma. Lepers were considered unclean and were isolated from society, shunned by their families and friends. Yet, this desperate and marginalized man dared to approach Jesus.

Filled with compassion, Jesus did something unthinkable in that cultural context. He reached out and touched the leper, defying social norms and religious taboos. He TOUCHED him. Lepers, when they came near people, had to yell their entrance so people could move out of their way and not even be NEAR them. But Jesus TOUCHED him. In that touch, Jesus conveyed not only physical healing but also a profound message of love. He shattered the walls of isolation and rejection, affirming the worth and dignity of every human being. Jesus saw beyond the external condition and showed him he had worth.

Instantly, the leper's body was cleansed, his skin made whole again. But the healing went beyond the physical; it went deep into his soul. This outcast, once burdened with shame and despair, was now restored to society, his life forever changed by the love and compassion of Jesus.

Now consider the individuals in your classes. The people you walk through the hallways with. No matter how broken, marginalized, or “unclean” they may be, Jesus reaches out to them with open arms. He longs to touch their lives, to heal their wounds, and to restore them to wholeness. Let us be inspired by the compassion of Jesus. The girls that have complicated backgrounds. The guys that have issues that you don’t know how to address. The classmates that are clearly searching for something. Jesus’ example should compel us to help others break free from chains, with a hand of love and genuine care, recognizing the inherent worth of every person. Just as Jesus transformed the life of the leper, we too can become agents of transformation, carrying His love to the broken and wounded in our world.

When someone expresses a pain point in their life, think of it as a cue card. “My parents are going through a divorce.” Cue card. “My aunt was just diagnosed with cancer.” Cue card. “My whole family is falling apart right now.” Cue card. “My dad just lost his job.” Cue card. “Nobody at this school likes me and I have no friends.” Cue card. Take these moments to be their friend. Not to correct them, not to fix them, but to be there for them. When you have the power of God in you, you can BE His love. You can touch their life in a profound way by being an encouraging voice and a friendly face. Do not be afraid to befriend someone completely different than you. Do not be afraid to embrace someone that has a different set of belief systems than you. Jesus has proved repeatedly that He cares for individuals, so we should too. You do not have to have all the answers. You do not have to figure out their life. But let God love them through you.


God, I see in scripture that You reached out to people that were untouchable in society. When I think about the world around me, there are individuals that I honestly don’t know how to relate to. But, I do see Your example, and I want to be like You. Help me to love people differently than me. Help me to show compassion to people that are broken and are outcasts in this society. I know that You offer hope, healing, and transformation. I ask today that You help me to build a bridge of community with these broken individuals so that one day You can transform their lives.

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

One Story at a Time

During this plan together, we will discover the fact that Jesus had deep love for the people around him. Of course, he preached to thousands, but he made an impact on individuals. We can (and should) impact the world around us in a similar fashion - one story at a time.
