Forgiveness: A Surprising Way ForwardChikamu

Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward

DAY 7 OF 7

Day 7: Is Freedom Possible?

" Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.' " ~ Matthew 11:29

When Peter brought his wife, Janet, to meet with us, she was hurting. “It’s more difficult for me,” she said. “I sat by for two years while family falsely accused Peter. I could forgive if they hurt me, but it is so much harder to see my husband mistreated!”

For some reason beyond my understanding, Jesus loves us and chose to die for our freedom. Whatever hurt you carry, it is far lighter than the burden Jesus bore on that cross. Your situation is not too heavy for God. If His power and authority are great enough to conquer all sin and death, He can lift your burdens and heal your hurts.

God never offers a burden-free life. He offers a trade: He will take our burden and replace it with His. The difference? The burdens we shoulder are too heavy for us to carry and ruining our life. His burden is light. He gently offers—never demands—a too-good-to-be-true trade: our impossibly heavy load for His light burden.

When we forgive, what does He offer to take from us? Unforgiveness. Bitterness. Resentment. Emotional distress. Lost relationships. Feeling abandoned by God. An oppressive load that is dragging us down.

The burden He gives to us in trade? Trust. He asks us to trust Him to set things right in a way that is consistent with His character. Are you so angry you secretly wish God would bring His wrath down on a perpetrator? God will not sell you short. He will bring the justice that is deserved. Do you love the person who brought you so much pain? God loves them more than you do. He will carry out justice with grace and mercy. Will you trust Him to be responsible for your pain and hurt?

Trust isn’t easy. For many, simple trust seems too naive or risky. Most of us will try every other emotional or spiritual strategy before taking the “trust” risk. Jesus offers a humble yet sincere promise, “You will find rest for your souls.” No words will convince you. You will only find Jesus’ claim true if you choose to make the trade. Janet chose to trust. She forgave her husband’s attackers and was amazed when God completely lifted the heavy burden from her shoulders.

Forgive. God is always faithful. You will find rest for your soul.

Looking Deeper

Want to learn more? Michael Snuffer, the author of this study, with Mark Henderson wrote Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward. Learn a step-by-step process to forgive some of life’s most difficult situations and find God’s freedom.

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About this Plan

Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward

Frustrated with family or close friends? Feel like you're the only one doing the right thing? Does anger sometimes get the best of you? Does God feel distant? Forgiveness is probably not your go-to answer. In this 7-day plan by Michael Snuffer, learn how hidden resentment erodes our wellbeing, and unpack surprising truths about biblical forgiveness.
