Son of Man: Retelling the Stories of Jesus by Charles MartinChikamu

Son of Man: Retelling the Stories of Jesus by Charles Martin

DAY 6 OF 7

What Next?

Weeks ago, the disciples watched and listened as Jesus died a gruesome death. They carried His tortured and graveyard-dead body to a cold tomb and watched helplessly as the soldiers rolled the heavy stone into place and sealed it with an iron spike.

But that was before.

Now they’re walking alongside Him. Listening as the laughter enters and exits His lungs.

They wind up the worn path to a hilltop that overlooks all of Jerusalem.

They all want to know the same thing. One of them voices it: “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” (John 14:23-26 ESV, emphasis added)

Ever patient, Jesus smiles and continues climbing up the mountain. Halfway up, He turns: “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me”—Jesus points to the land laid out before them—“in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (John 15:26-27 ESV, emphasis added)

The disciples cannot see the myriad angels that have arrayed around them. Resplendent white. Gold. The army of God has come on assignment. To escort the Son home. Banners. Musicians. Dancers. Warriors. They line the mountain. They line the city. They line the earth for miles. Each has six wings. With two they cover their faces. With two they cover their feet. And with two they fly. (John 16:7-10 ESV, emphasis added) A living picture of worship and service. At the top of the mountain, God’s very own chariot awaits. Driven by white horses.

Jesus can see this. They cannot.

A breeze blows. It is time. The Father has waited long enough. He smiles. He knows the end from the beginning. Then He steps into His chariot and He is lifted out of their sight, taking the breeze and the host with Him.

Silence rains down on the mountain.

The Mount of Olives fades behind Him. The return trip is quick. The Son of Man enters the gates of heaven wearing a loincloth. Thunderous, raucous praise erupts from a hundred million voices. Streets of gold are lined twenty and thirty rows deep. Everyone hoping to get a glance. The King of glory has come in.

He is returning to His Father.

The Father eyes the Son and launches Himself off His throne, closing the distance like lightning. His feet barely touching the ground. The Father welcoming home the spotless Son who has done what no one else could. He has ransomed humanity with His very own blood. He alone has prevailed to open the scroll.

The celebration begins.

Still standing on that mountaintop, the disciples begin to wonder. And so the longing begins. The longing for His return.

When the smoke clears, two angels stand in the place where Jesus had stood. One of them speaks: “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:13-14 ESV)

The disciples stand speechless, one singular question; each is thinking it: Just what on earth do we do now?

So they wait.


Will you be joining Jesus in heaven one day?

If yes, tell someone today about the way to heaven through Jesus.

If no, seek a family member or friend from church who can talk to you about Jesus.


Precious Jesus, my heart longs to be with You in heaven. Until that day, may I share You and Your amazing gift of salvation daily.

Zuva 5Zuva 7

About this Plan

Son of Man: Retelling the Stories of Jesus by Charles Martin

Experience the Bible come to life. Charles Martin uses his storyteller's imagination to present the life of Jesus in a way that will engage your faith in new ways and draw you into a deeper understanding and love for the Savior. These seven daily readings are based on Charles Martin’s book Son of Man: Retelling the Stories of Jesus.
