Spirit: Path To Praise - The Overflow DevoChikamu

Spirit: Path To Praise - The Overflow Devo

DAY 1 OF 7

Spirit of the Living God (Meredith Andrews)

Cause when You speak and when You move
When You do what only You can do
It changes us
It changes what we see and what we seek

The Holy Spirit is the invisible, eternal, tangibly all powerful Spirit of Creator God and Jesus Christ the Son.

Matthew 5:3:

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” (The Message)

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (ESV)

Jesus taught a countercultural, revolutionary, upside-down message about one’s relationship to God and the world. In Matthew 5:3, Jesus declares that those who are “poor in spirit,” at the end of their rope, spiritually bankrupt, are the ones who will ultimately receive blessings from God.

God desperately desires that we would all come to the end of our own rope spiritually. The problem is not that we somehow need to muster our way into a state of spiritual bankruptcy. The reality is that all of us are born and continue to exist in spiritual bankruptcy because of our sin. This is why we need a Savior!

Being blessed by God through spiritual bankruptcy begins with His Holy Spirit opening our eyes to this reality. This is a work that only He can do. We must not just see our true spiritual condition but also must embrace our inability to improve or change it whatsoever. True power and spiritual transformation takes place through believing and receiving the spiritual richness (holiness) of Jesus through faith in His work on the cross. When the Holy Spirit changes what we see, and we receive the love of God through Jesus, what we seek in life also becomes realigned with what God desires for us (Psalm 37:4).

The One who created and owns all things (Jesus), humbled himself to the point of death on the cross, in order to save us from our sin, restore our broken relationship with God, and to eternally fill our spiritual tanks with His Spirit, His power, His comfort, His wisdom, and His love.

In the upside-down Kingdom of God, weakness is strength and emptiness is fullness. May we fully embrace our inability to glorify God or love others well today on our own. And then, let us rejoice that faith in Jesus has earned us all of God’s love, even when we sin, and all of the Holy Spirit’s power and help when we need it most.

To listen to the Spirit: Path to Praise playlist on The Overflow Christian music service, please visit oflow.it/00ne/szu5aAMqaB

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About this Plan

Spirit: Path To Praise - The Overflow Devo

Referred to by some as the “forgotten member of the Trinity,” the Holy Spirit was referred to by Christ as our Counselor and Helper. In this 7-day devotional in partnership with The Overflow Christian music service, we’ll look at the theology in 7 songs that describe how the Spirit transforms our hearts, soul, and minds, and how we are then directed to respond with praise.
