Making a Difference: A Bible Plan for Leaders in Kids’ MinistryChikamu

Making a Difference: A Bible Plan for Leaders in Kids’ Ministry

DAY 3 OF 5

You Can Trust God

Everyone gets worried or afraid sometimes. Maybe your family is going through a difficult time, your company is downsizing, or you just have an overwhelming sense that things aren’t going to be okay. You’re not alone. Many people experience feelings like this every day.

When life feels overwhelming, take it to God—and be honest! The night before Jesus was killed on the cross, He prayed an honest, raw prayer. He asked God if there could be any other way to fulfill His plan besides the painful death He was facing. The Bible tells us He was so distressed he sweat drops of blood. But Jesus concluded His prayer by telling God that no matter what happened, He would trust Him. Jesus modeled the ultimate trust in God for all of us.

When you trust in Jesus and commit to learning from Him, you’ll know where to go when the days get hard. Jesus compared this to building your house on a rock, instead of sand. When the storms of life come, your house will stand strong because the foundation of trust is built on Jesus—the Rock. The same God who was with you before the storm is with you in the storm. And God doesn’t waste anything. The storms you go through will grow you and shape you into more of who God has created you to be.

The kids you lead will have very real fears and worries, too. It might be a big test or a tryout for the team. They may tell you they’re being bullied or that a family member passed away. When they share these things with you, you’ll have a foundation of truth big enough for them to stand on and learn from. You can help them see that they can trust God because He is always good, even when our days are not.

God knows you because He made you, and He’s been where you are. When life gets scary, He will give you courage when you need it most.

You can trust God.

Pray This: Father God, thank You for being trustworthy—always. Help me to build my foundation firmly on Your Word, so when the storms of life come, I will not be shaken. Guide me to share this truth with those You put in my path this week. I trust You, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Do This: Where can you trust God more in your life? What is one step you can take this week to show Him that you trust Him? How can you help the kids in your group to trust God more each week, too?

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

Making a Difference: A Bible Plan for Leaders in Kids’ Ministry

Sharing Jesus with the kids of your church is a rich, rewarding experience—but it comes with challenges, too. This Bible Plan is here to support and encourage your journey in kids’ ministry so you can lead from a place of overflow. You’ll develop foundational mindsets and learn practical approaches for effective, sustainable ministry—all modeled after the life of Jesus.
