Because God Loves Me, I Refuse to Live Rejected!Chikamu

Because God Loves Me, I Refuse to Live Rejected!

DAY 3 OF 3

Look to God!

Something changed between the births of Leah’s third and fourth sons. Why do I say this? Because Leah said so in naming her fourth son Judah.

Unlike the first three sons’ names, Judah’s name had no reference to Jacob. Instead, Leah asserted her decision to praise God in Judah’s birth (Genesis 29:35).

In praising God, Leah positioned herself to receive a steadfast love she wouldn’t have to compete for. Also, the faithful love of God would persist in the midst of her trying family situation.


Our focus in troubling circumstances matters. We have a choice to make. We can focus on the wind and waves of the storm, or we can focus on The One that the wind and waves obey.

With God’s help, we can believe God for the miraculous. We can act in faith like the woman with the issue of blood, slay giants like David, and restore communities like Nehemiah. Their needs differed, yet these biblical figures shared the same Source of provision – God, our Father.

Instead of cowering in the wake of their individual battles, these champions of faith refused to live rejected. Secure in their knowledge of God’s care for them, they spoke faith-filled words and took bold corresponding actions.

We can do the same. God, our Father, is for and with us.


Look to God and see Him as your Protector, Defender, Provider, and Whoever you need Him to be (Exodus 3:14). As God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), take the words God spoke to Joshua as God speaking to you: “….For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you” (Joshua 1:5).

Congratulations on completing this plan! By faith, live as a beloved and blessed child of God!

Call To Action.

Because your experience with this plan matters, please complete a short survey to give Dr. Foster feedback on the usefulness of this plan. Your feedback is needed and greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

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About this Plan

Because God Loves Me, I Refuse to Live Rejected!

What circumstances are bothering you, child of God? Does their presence challenge your trust in God? If so, this plan can help you stir up the confidence to boldly face your circumstances. Child of God, God says He loves you and will never forsake or leave you. God says you are His. Nothing can separate you from His love and advocacy. Refuse to live rejected. Why? Because God loves you!
