Fast Friends, Biblical Results Of Fasting And PrayerChikamu

Fast Friends, Biblical Results Of Fasting And Prayer

DAY 10 OF 10


In the story of Daniel, we find a young man devoted to keeping himself set apart from the culture of excess and indulgence where he had been placed. Daniel chose not to eat the choice foods and wines or use things for comfort for a period of three weeks. Sometimes, we may feel led to give up something we love for a certain time to devote ourselves to waiting on God, perhaps awaiting an answer to prayer, a deliverance for a loved one, or a clear leading from Him.

It doesn’t have to be food. Maybe you want to give up social media for a season to tune your ear to Him. Maybe you will forego television, dessert, or a favorite past time for a week or two for the purpose of devoting that time or desire to seeking God or waiting patiently for Him to answer.

Do you have faith that your words are heard even though God may be building your faith by delaying a response? Will you allow your faith muscle to be built up and strengthened by fasting from something you enjoy for the purpose of leaning in more closely to Him with your time and desires? He is faithful, always! If He is asking you to wait for an answer or for Him to act, let fasting be a way to help you stay strong in the silent moments.

Can you trust today that God hears your request, sees your desire and is preparing a great work or response, just for you? You are His beloved and highly esteemed child. He is your faithful Heavenly Father. Believe not only in Him, but who He is and what He can and will do. While you are waiting, praise and worship Him for the good He is working on your behalf.

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About this Plan

Fast Friends, Biblical Results Of Fasting And Prayer

We all know that there is power in prayer. Prayer is defined in several ways: it is how we praise and worship our glorious Lord and Savior; it is our most powerful weapon; our open door to communication with the living God; the vehicle to confess our sin; how to find God's will for our lives and one of the ways we can hear the voice of our precious Savior. It is not very often that we hear about fasting with prayer, either from the pulpit or in our conversations as a church community. Yet, the Bible has so much to say on this subject and so many wonderful accounts of deliverance, forgiveness, and miracles that happened when God's people did fast and pray together. This ten-day reading plan will focus on some of the Biblical accounts and show us the undeniable power and movement of God when His people humble themselves through fasting and prayer.
