Be KnownChikamu

Be Known

DAY 1 OF 6

We all desire to be deeply known by Jesus. Yet, in the same way we crave feeling known by Him, we also struggle to give Him the first fruits of our day. How would our relationship with Jesus shift if we learned to abide in Him? It’s there in that stillness, that secret place where we become fully known by Him. When we abide, we learn how to hear His voice, lean into His discernment, and move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We experience intimacy when we press into His presence, which gives us direct access to the power of His Spirit.

To abide in Jesus means to remain, to stay rooted in the firm foundation, a sure footing. When the world tries to name us, and it will try over and over, by our past, our sins, our failures, or our losses, God names us with His love.

John 15:7 says, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”

Have you ever received an invitation to a wedding? When it arrives in the mail, there’s something about the envelope that stands out amongst all the mail you’ve received. Maybe it has a shimmer that’s almost iridescent or it’s the formal writing on the front that makes it immediately recognizable as something more significant than your other mail. As you slide the contents of the envelope out, a small piece of paper falls from the group, shimmering in the light. When you pick it up, you see the invitation to RSVP— “Will you join us for the celebration?”

I don’t know about you, but I always find myself bubbling with anticipation to check the “yes, I’ll be there” box.

That same anticipation is how Jesus feels about being with YOU. He’s hoping you’ll check that “yes, I’ll be there” box to join Him. To spend time with Him. Let Him lavish His love over you, in you, and through you. Jesus wants to fill all those deep spaces where past wounds have kept you from the more He has for you.

Matthew 14:28-29 says, “And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” So, He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.”

Jesus’ invitation was open to all the disciples on the boat that day. It's the same one He gives each of us, to step into the unknown with Him so He can show us just how intricately and intentionally He created us. We were created to know and be known by Him. That’s why He invites us. In the midst of our lives, our storms, doing laundry, driving carpool, making dinner, catering to the needs of all those around us. “Come.”

As we dive into the next five days, that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to say YES to the beautiful invitation to learn what it means to abide in Jesus and rediscover our identity in Him, so we can fully lean into His calling on our lives, using the gifts He’s weaved into the very fiber of our make up, in every season of our lives.

Jesus, teach me to sit in your presence and spend time with you daily. Help me to abide in you so I can hear your voice and lean into the anointing on my life. I pray that as I spend time with you daily, you would meet me in a new and deeper way and show me what it means to hear your voice. Amen.

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Be Known

To understand what it truly means to be known by God, we must first learn to abide in His presence. It’s there, in His presence, we begin to see ourselves as Jesus sees us and find our identity in Him, so we can lean into His calling for our lives, using the gifts He's woven in us, in every season of our lives. Knowing Jesus gives us the confidence and boldness to walk fully in what He has called us to.
