Chosen: Rejected by People, Chosen a 5-Day Plan by Wanda WhiteChikamu

Chosen:  Rejected by People, Chosen a 5-Day Plan by Wanda White

DAY 2 OF 5

You are Equipped for This

Have you ever applied for a job and didn’t get it? I have. I applied for a job that I knew I was qualified for. I thought I was the perfect candidate, but I didn’t get the job. I just knew I was the best person for that position, but I didn’t even get an interview. Never got a call, never had a chance, and never got to take my shot. Overlooked, skipped over, and left out, that was me. I remember feeling rejected, feeling like I was not good enough. I wondered “What is wrong with me? Am I not good enough? Why didn’t they even call?”

Maybe you’ve experienced the opposite. God has given you an assignment, but your once very confident, very qualified self now feels like you are unqualified. Did you have this feeling in the pit of your stomach? Did you start thinking “What if I can’t do it? What if I forget? What if I’m not good enough?” If so, you are not alone. Moses felt he was not equipped to free the children of Israel from slavery, yet God chose and used him to do just that. Moses stuttered and was a murderer. What’s your excuse?

You have been equipped for everything God has called you to do. Every rejection, every set-back, and every “no” has built your character and your resolve. You are the one He poured His Spirit on. You are the one He designed for this particular moment. You are the one He is sending to high places. You are the one chosen for such a time as this.

Don’t doubt your abilities because of people. Romans 8:31 reminds us that if God is for us, who can be against us? God chose you because He knew He could trust you. He knows what you’ve been through, and it’s all led you to this moment. You are good enough and with God on your side, all things are possible.

Reflection Question: How do you wait and trust God’s timing when you don’t feel qualified for the journey ahead?


Thank you, God that when people reject me, you don’t. Every disappointment and “no” has led me to a “yes” from you. Thank you for equipping me for this very moment.

Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan

Chosen:  Rejected by People, Chosen a 5-Day Plan by Wanda White

Do you know the sting of rejection all too well? Are you tired of rehashing, reliving the hurt and feeling devalued by it all? We’ve all experienced this at one time or another but it’s time to realize our worth. Join me over the next five days as we break free from needing to be accepted by people by knowing how much you mean to God.
