Seven Weapons of Spiritual WarfareChikamu

Seven Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

DAY 8 OF 9


In a war if you want to defeat an enemy, one of the best ways is to destroy the lines of communication.

Strategy and tactics are planned and communicated from the generals at the rear to the front line troops so that all attack and defense initiatives are planned and coordinated. Information is passed up the chain and orders are returned to take advantage of or address offensive and defensive positions.

So too for the Christian.

Prayer is our line of communication to the Lord. It is through prayer that we communicate our needs, wants, desires, issues, and concerns. It is also through prayer that we can praise, worship, and give thanks to the Lord for all He has done, especially as it pertains to winning the victories for us in our walk.

But prayer may not come easily to all. Even the disciples asked Jesus saying, “Teach us to pray.” It was in response to this request that Jesus gave the Lord’s prayer, not to be repeated ad infinitum, but rather to learn “How” to pray. In Matthew’s version of this prayer He said, “Pray then LIKE this.” He did not say, “Pray these words.” When we examine this prayer we see there are several distinct segments.

  • An opening that addresses the Father to whom we pray
  • Recognition that He is God and that His will shall prevail
  • Requests and supplications we are making in the prayer
  • Closing praise and worship
  • And finally, (not included in the example prayer) asking in the name of Jesus

This is the pattern for prayer that Jesus laid out to teach His disciples and us how to pray. And they were instructed to pray at all times and in all situations.

The Lord’s prayer is actually quite short, and Jesus tells us we don’t need to make long winded prayers to be heard. Just say what you have to say because God knows what we need before we even ask.

As for what we are to pray for, that can be anything and everything. Seek the Lord for the things you need, wisdom, insight, direction, understanding, and more. Also He tells us to pray for those who persecute us that they might find God.

And finally, pray in faith, believing that the Lord will hear your prayers and answer them.

Call to action:

Do you make prayer a habit? Do you pray at all times and in all situations as suggested in the scriptures? Make a habit of bringing everything to the Lord, especially the things you are planning to do, before you do them.

Zuva 7Zuva 9

About this Plan

Seven Weapons of Spiritual Warfare

Christians are at war in the spirit. They have been provided with seven weapons of warfare to fight the devil and other enemies. But we must learn what these weapons are and how to use them effectively to fight and win this war against the devil and the weaknesses and passions of our flesh.
