Judge Jesus’ WayChikamu

Judge Jesus’ Way

DAY 5 OF 5

Judge Jesus’ Way (Part 5)

Grace makes your upcoming judgment great. Judgment Day, despite its long delay, is still on its way. But the thought of standing before the all-knowing, perfectly just Jesus doesn’t have to make you nervous or anxious. Because God’s grace makes your judgment great.

Grace is God’s undeserved love, the love he showed for you when he sent Jesus to this earth. Jesus came into this finger-pointing world and did the unthinkable. He chose to be judged. “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. By oppression and judgment He was taken away” (Isaiah 53:6,8). Jesus being judged in your place is what will make your judgment day great.

On His judgment day (Good Friday), Jesus was called horrific names—liar, blasphemer, sinner. On your judgment day, God will call you beautiful names—son, daughter, saint. On His judgment day, Jesus was accused of sins He didn’t commit. On your judgment day, God won’t accuse you of the sins you did commit. On His judgment day, Jesus was sentenced to death. On your judgment day, you will be promised life that never ends.

Judging Jesus’ way doesn’t just mean to focus on ourselves and our churches. It also means to focus on grace, the love that will make your judgment day great.

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About this Plan

Judge Jesus’ Way

We often hear the words: “Do not judge!” But what did Jesus really say about this? Read this devotional plan to find out.
