Ramadan: Prayer Guide | Releasing the Light of Christ to the Muslim WorldChikamu

Ramadan: Prayer Guide | Releasing the Light of Christ to the Muslim World

DAY 23 OF 30


Muslims often give many reasons why they believe their religion is “liberating” to women, but this isn’t true. The Quran even states that men have a higher status. A man can marry up to four women and expects obedience from them. Women must cover themselves to stop men from sinning, with the idea still prevalent that women are culpable in some way when men choose to assault them. A woman's testimony is considered worth half that of a man. A woman's inheritance is only half what is given to her brothers.

Although Christian history has also been plagued by false teachings used to abuse and subjugate women, we know that this was not, and is still not, the design of God. Males and females are created in God's image to glorify Him and be in communion with Him. Married couples are commanded to submit to one another under the leadership of Christ (Eph. 5:21-28). Jesus broke all sorts of religious and cultural rules to treat women with dignity and honor due to them as fellow image-bearers. He even entrusted women to be the first to testify of His resurrection—the greatest piece of news that has ever been shared! Now, both women and men have been made co-heirs with Christ and will share in His inheritance.


Jesus, You are the liberator and the champion of women. I know You are grieved by how Muslim women are overlooked, undervalued, and oppressed by the chains of Islam. May they find their freedom in You and discover their identity as beloved daughters of God, ones who are created to reflect Your image and invited to share in the eternal inheritance of Jesus.

Zuva 22Zuva 24

About this Plan

Ramadan: Prayer Guide | Releasing the Light of Christ to the Muslim World

‘Ramadan: Prayer Guide’ was designed to inspire individuals, small groups, and families to join in intercessory prayer for the salvation of the Muslim World during the unique fasting month of Ramadan. This 30-day plan incorporates testimonials, insights into Islamic worldview, and biblical backdrop to help participants engage in informed prayer. Choose this plan to discover how these insights can advance the Kingdom of God during Ramadan.
