Ramadan: Prayer Guide | Releasing the Light of Christ to the Muslim WorldChikamu

Ramadan: Prayer Guide | Releasing the Light of Christ to the Muslim World

DAY 17 OF 30

No Longer an Orphan

When Abraham disowned Ishmael from the Promise, a rift was created between father and son. After all these years, the sons of Ishmael, both by blood and by belief, are still fostering an orphan spirit of rejection.

We see unconscious efforts to find security in this area with the importance that Arab tradition and Islamic culture place on family. In particular, when parents have their first boy, whether he is the eldest child or not, they become known in their community as “Father of {son’s name}” and “Mother of {son’s name}” for the rest of their lives. Honor is given to the oldest son.

There is a better solution. God created all life and desires for each of us to come to know Him as Abba. When we accept Jesus and are baptized, we are welcomed into a spiritual family and given an inheritance in Christ. The Lord alone holds power to heal long-festering wounds that have harbored so much hurt. Because of His great love, He calls no one “orphan” but “son” and “daughter.”


Thank you, Lord, for bringing us into Your family. I pray that many sons and daughters of Ishmael will be able to shed their long-carried orphan spirit and find belonging in You. Reveal Yourself in dreams and visions as the loving Father that You are.

Zuva 16Zuva 18

About this Plan

Ramadan: Prayer Guide | Releasing the Light of Christ to the Muslim World

‘Ramadan: Prayer Guide’ was designed to inspire individuals, small groups, and families to join in intercessory prayer for the salvation of the Muslim World during the unique fasting month of Ramadan. This 30-day plan incorporates testimonials, insights into Islamic worldview, and biblical backdrop to help participants engage in informed prayer. Choose this plan to discover how these insights can advance the Kingdom of God during Ramadan.
