Acts: Go & Be Chapters 19-28Chikamu

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 19-28

DAY 13 OF 20

What is this passage saying?

After defending his case before Felix, Paul is given minimal freedom. Essentially, he is put on a form of house arrest, where Paul’s friends can come to care for his needs. Throughout this time, Felix would often summon Paul to come and speak to him and his Jewish wife, Drusilla. While it’s unclear if any of Paul’s conversations got through to Felix and Drusilla, Scripture says that Paul spoke on righteousness, self-control, and the approaching judgment. Felix also hoped Paul would try to bribe him for freedom, but Paul never offered him any money. The continued summoning lasted two years, and Paul remained faithful through it all. Even while under house arrest, Paul provides us with a consistent model for ministering, even when things get hard. After two years of conversations, Felix was succeeded by Governor Festus. You’d think Paul would be released, but he was left in prison to satisfy the crowds.

What is this passage teaching?

The Bible teaches us a lot about ministering in difficult situations. You would think that after ministering faithfully for two years and having great gospel conversations, Paul would experience a breakthrough. A physical breakthrough from his prison cell and a spiritual breakthrough with Felix and Drusilla. Unfortunately, the only motive Scripture gives us for these repeated conversations is money. This reminds us that people often take advantage of our kindness and leverage it for their own selfish gain. Paul continues to minister despite these motives. And this should encourage us as Christ's followers to never give up on the prize of God: other people! Whether we experience breakthroughs or not, God asks us to faithfully minister anyway. We plant, we water, and we sow seeds, but only God can give the growth. We can’t save anyone, but we can share about the Person who can save everyone. Whether or not we see a breakthrough, God calls us to consistency. He is asking us to minister in difficult situations.

How do I respond?

Is there anybody in your life who you have given up on? Is there a person who you believe to be too far gone? Is there someone so opposed to God in your life that no matter how many times you speak to them, it doesn’t seem like a breakthrough will happen? The challenge for today is to minister anyway. God has never asked you to save anybody. That is his responsibility and his burden. Your responsibility is to minister faithfully with consistency. To share the good news, pray fervently, and cultivate an urgent boldness.

Zuva 12Zuva 14

About this Plan

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 19-28

In this 20-day plan, through chapters 19-28, you will see it’s not merely just an account of what happened but rather what is still happening to this day around the world through the power of The Holy Spirit. In Acts, you will see the power of the Holy Spirit on display in the lives of the men and women who followed Jesus.
