Titus, Part TwoChikamu

Titus, Part Two

DAY 16 OF 16

Being connected through love and faith

“All who are with me send greetings to you. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all.” (Titus 3:15)

Paul wrote his letter to Titus, his spiritual son. But it is not just private communication between these two men. This letter expresses and strengthens the connection between believers who are with Paul and those who are with Titus in Crete. They have never met in person but are one in love and faith. Their shared connection with the Lord God makes them into a spiritual family consisting of brothers and sisters all over the world.

It is clear that we are not the original audience of this letter. It was written almost 2,000 years ago. But God has guided the writing and transmission of this letter so that it became part of the Bible. And therefore, Paul’s words are also authoritative for present-day Christians! His letter to Titus is inspired Scripture, “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

This letter formed a connection between believers in different places. And if we share the same faith and love, we are also part of the one church at all times and all places. Isn’t it wonderful to be connected with others by our shared faith in Jesus Christ?

We hope this reading plan encouraged you to walk more closely with Christ daily. Please try our Read Scriptures 1 course, which explores the letter to Titus along with other Bible books. We also welcome you to sign up for our daily devotionals.

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About this Plan

Titus, Part Two

The letter to Titus was written by the apostle Paul to teach and encourage his ‘spiritual son.’ His lessons are valuable to this day. This reading plan goes through the letter to Titus step by step to see what God’s Word has to say for our lives.
